July 2023 Minutes


Gedney Hill Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting on 17th July 2023

Attendance and apologies

Elected Members




Ken James




Paul Redgate




Mellissa Shepherd (Vice Chair)




Angela Watson




Neil Watson (Chair)




Also present: Cllr Laura Eldridge, SHDC and five members of the public

Cllr Neil Watson took the minutes as Acting Clerk

Public Forum

Items raised included:

Additional litter and dog waste bins, especially on West Drove South

District Cllr Eldridge to investigate.

That the green behind the bus shelter on Lincoln Avenue has still not been rectified

District Cllr Eldridge to investigate.

Quality and quantity of repairs to potholes on Mole Drove

Bus timetables

District Cllr Eldridge to investigate.

Parish Council to post times on the bus shelters

1 Apologies for absence and acceptance

Apologies received from Cllr Redgate

2 Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 and consideration of any requests for dispensation


3 To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 15th May 2023

The Minutes were approved

Accepted by acclaim

4 New Parish Council domain and email addresses

It was agreed by Councillors to move forward with CloudyIT and purchase the gedneyhillparishcouncil.gov.uk domain; along with six email addresses in the form clerk@gedneyhillparishcouncil.gov.uk and firstname.lastname@gedneyhillparishcouncil.gov.uk for Councillors

Agreed by acclaim

5 Parish Representatives on the Gedney Hill Estate Charity

The Charity clerk advised that their charity rules mean that nominated members cannot be changed during their fixed term of office so the Parish Council nominees could not join the charity trustees straight away. However, one charity trustee who was nominally a Parish Council representative has subsequently stood down leaving a vacancy for a nominee from the current Council.

It was agreed by acclaim that Cllr Neil Watson should fill the vacancy, with Cllr Shepherd taking the next vacancy that becomes available

6 Speedwatch

Four volunteers from Gedney Hill Speedwatch group have agreed to resume sessions, with the next session scheduled for 18th July. Shepeau Stow Community Speedwatch now wish to retain their own identity rather than ‘merge’ with Gedney Hill.

It was agreed by acclaim that the Gedney Hill group should continue as a discrete group, albeit maintaining links with Shepeau Stow moving forward. Agreed by acclaim.

7 Meet The Council

The date was confirmed as Saturday 12th August from 11am at the Memorial Hall

8 Defibrillators

A Parishioner has generously offered to fund a defibrillator in the parish, and the kind offer from another parishioner to host the defibrillator still stands.

The existing defibrillator at the shop is now fully registered on ‘The Circuit’. There is a small maintenance issue with the cabinet which Cllr James will look to rectify.

It was agreed by acclaim that we move forward with discussions with all parties to have the new defibrillator installed as soon as possible; investigating grant aid as part of the process.

9 Parish Clock

The clock engineer noted on the last service report that some works are needed to ensure the accurate operation of the clock in the future.

It was agreed by acclaim to make a budget provision for 2024/25 to allow the works to be completed in spring 2024.

10 Parish Website

Updating of the Parish website via the dashboard is unintuitive and quite complicated. Lincolnshire ALC offer a training and maintenance package with a bank of five hours advice and training available to the Clerk and Councillors as required for £85.00

Agreed by acclaim to subscribe to the training package

11 Litter Picking

Lincolnshire County Council have supplied the Parish (free of charge) with litter picking equipment and supplies for future use

12 Bench to the front of the Memorial Hall

The Parish bench to the front of the Memorial Hall is in poor condition. Cllr Eldridge has kindly offered to support the Parish Council in replacing the bench with a contribution from her ward budget.

It was agreed by acclaim that we move forward with discussions with all parties.

13 The Cemetery

The overgrown branches from the Churchyard were discussed, Cllr Neil Watson advised on behalf of the PCC that works have been instructed and will be carried out as soon as the paperwork formalities can be completed.

It has been noted that some graves in the cemetery are not compliant with the cemetery rules which all plot holders agreed to on purchase.

Cemetery management is a complex and

time-critical function of the Parish Council. Mrs Shirley James, who has long experience of this task, has generously agreed to keep matters up to date until a new Clerk is appointed and trained.

The Acting Clerk will work with Cllr and Mrs James to make sensitive contact with the plot holders.

The Chair offered sincere thanks to Mrs James for her kind offer and expressed the thanks of the Parish Council for her help.

This vote of thanks was enthusiastically echoed by all Councillors.

14 Parish Pavilion

The guttering to the front (and possibly the rear) needs repair or replacement. Access to the rear needs to be arranged with the school.

Quotations to be sought

a. Circle Fire

The Clerk holds a quotation from Circle Fire for works which, after discussion, it seems may well have been sent to us in error. Cllr James will discuss this with Circle Fire and report back.

The CCTV needs attention, Cllr James will arrange for Circle Fire to look at it.

15 Training course for Councillors

The Chair noted that Councillors Shepherd and Angela Watson had attended a New Councillor induction course. The ladies both agreed that the course was worthwhile and helpful to them in getting to grips with their new responsibilities.

16 Clerk’s old computer

On investigation the laptop was found to be of no value.

It was agreed by acclaim that the laptop should be securely wiped of all data (by removal of the hard drive) and disposed of.

17 Planning

a. To discuss current applications

H07-0619-23, 84 North Road - Application has been made for demolition of an existing bungalow and replacement with another dwelling.

H07-0495-23, 27 Hillgate – A retrospective application to approve the fencing installation.

H07-1243-21, Lions Green, Station Road – it was noted that this application has been refused by the planning authority.

The Parish Council has no comment on this application.

Councillors wish to know that the fence is of an appropriate height and erected on the correct boundary line.

Clerk to email planning

b. To discuss consultations and concerns


18 Acting Clerk’s report

a. Frequency of meetings

It was agreed to continue with bi-monthly meetings, with the option to convene an extraordinary meeting if any urgent matter arises.

b. Internal communication

It is important that Councillors are able to give their opinions on the many matters that concern the Parish Council, and prompt responses to circular emails are important to help the Clerk keep up to date.

Instant messaging was discussed, possibly a WhatsApp group.

Clerk to investigate further

19 Financial Matters

a. To consider the Parish Council accounts for the year to date

The year-to-date accounts were read to the meeting.

The accounts were accepted by acclaim.

b. Accounting records

The Clerk noted that he had been unable to trace a couple of invoices for payments made this year.

Cllr James to assist in tracking these down.

c. Banking arrangements

The acting clerk has identified a number of areas where NatWest bank and banking processes are unsatisfactory and proposed that the Parish Council banking be transferred to Unity Trust Bank, a specialist provider to Parish Councils.

After a recorded vote, the proposal was accepted as follows: In favour: Cllrs Shepherd, Watson & Watson; against: Cllr James

20 To advise of any items to be added to the next meeting agenda


21 Date of next meeting

18th September 2023 at 6.30pm in the Parish Pavilion.

22 Confidential items (public and press to be excluded)

a. Appointment of Clerk

It was agreed to move on to the next stage of the selection process.

b. Correspondence from previous Clerk

After reference to LALC, it was agreed to write to the previous Clerk explaining their advice and the way forward.

Meeting closed at 8.00pm