May 2023 DRAFT Minutes Annual Parish Meeting


Gedney Hill Parish Council

Annual Parish Council Meeting Minutes of the meeting on 15th May 2023

Attendance and apologies

Elected Members




Ken James




Paul Redgate




Mellissa Shepherd




Angela Watson




Neil Watson




Public Forum

None (This meeting followed the Annual Parish Meeting public forum.)

1 Apologies for absence and acceptance

All Councillors were present. The Clerk was absent due to illness

Cllr Neil Watson took the minutes of the meeting

2 Election of Officers

It was proposed that Cllr Neil Watson be elected Chairman.

Prop: Cllr Redgate, Sec: Cllr Shepherd, accepted by acclaim

It was proposed that Cllr Shepherd be elected Vice - Chairman

Prop: Cllr Neil Watson, Sec: Cllr Redgate, accepted by acclaim

All Councillors and the new Officers each signed their Acceptance of Office

3 Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 and consideration of any requests for dispensation


4 To approve the draft notes of the meeting held on 20th March 2023

The minutes of the extraordinary meeting on 27th April 2023 were also presented for acceptance

The two sets of minutes were accepted by acclaim.

The minutes were duly signed by the Chairman

5 Recruitment of Replacement Clerk

It was agreed that the post would be advertised as appropriate, the post to be subject to the NALC model employment contract and the LGA National Salary Scale

Clerk/acting Clerk to produce a job specification for advertising via LALC, the Parish Council noticeboard and the local press.

6 Temporary Clerking Arrangements after 28th May 2023

It was agreed that Cllr Neil Watson would hold the Clerk’s laptop as temporary cover (with the assistance of other Councillors as needed)

7 New Parish Council email address


With Clerk’s imminent departure, the Chairman is to take this forward.

8 Village Newsletter

It was agreed that this should be an information source rather than a news publication with no regular publication schedule

To proceed with a first draft as soon as possible

Chairman and Vice- Chairman to work together to produce a draft for circulation

9 Bank Signatories

A new mandate form has been requested from the Bank and will be signed by all parties as soon as received.

Payments to be kept to emergencies only until this is resolved

10 Parish Representatives on Various Groups

The Parish Council makes nominations to four bodies, nominations from this meeting as follows:

Gedney United Charities (216410) – Cllr James to replace Mr Mann  Gedney Hill Estate Charity (212473) – Mr John Venters (immediate past Councillor) to be invited to complete his term of office on behalf of the Parish Council, Cllrs Neil Watson and Shepherd to be nominated to the other two Trustee positions.

Wryde Croft Community Benefit Fund – Cllr James to continue his role.

Gedney Hill & District Memorial Hall (521792) – Three Councillors are current Trustees of this Charity (Cllrs Shepherd, Watson & Watson) so no further nomination is required.

Prop Cllr N Watson, Sec Cllr A Watson, All in favour

Prop Cllr N Watson, Sec Cllr A Watson, All in favour

11 Speedwatch

The Chairman is keen to reinstate the group. Cllr Redgate proposed that we combine with Shepeau Stow group to provide greater resource for sessions to restart

Agreed by acclaim

Chair to liaise with Peter Sparkes

12 Councillor Surgery

The Chair proposed that we hold a ‘Meet The Council’ event to introduce the new Council to the Parish. Cllr Eldridge (SHDC) suggested that she joined us to hold her own surgery.

Agreed by acclaim

Suitable date to be agreed with the Hall

13 Defibrillator Maintenance and Provision

It was noted by Cllr James that he had checked the ‘Circuit’ registration for our defibrillator, and it appears to be correctly listed.

A new Councillor Maintenance rota is needed.

The need for paediatric pads in addition to adult pads was discussed.

It was discussed that the size of the village suggests that two additional defibrillators would be of benefit, to the east and west of the village.

Should we join a maintenance contract for the defibrillator?

The adult pads will be checked for their expiry date, then a decision made when to introduce paediatric pads.

Funding will be needed via the precept, possibly over the next two years. Corporate sponsorship was discussed. A villager has kindly offered to host the western location and provide the power supply to reduce the cost as a self-powered cabinet is very expensive

To be circulated

To July 2023 Agenda

Contact Whaplode PC to enquire if we could join their maintenance contract

14 Training Courses for Councillors

We have two new Councillors who would benefit from an induction course

It was agreed to enrol the Councillors on a suitable course either via LALC or SHDC.

15 Grass Cutting Costs

It was noted that the grass cutting contract price has increased by 5% this year

Agreed by acclaim this is reasonable in the current climate

16 Clerk’s Old Laptop

This is now surplus to requirements

Cllr James to arrange the sale of the old laptop, and witness the secure deletion of all data from the machine

17 Planning

a. To discuss current applications

H07-0392-23 8 North Road, retrospective application to erect a timber horse shelter. H07-0396-23 56 Station Road, change of use of agricultural building to residential.

H07-0434-23 56 Station Road, proposed agricultural building

b. To discuss consultations and concerns

No comments on current applications

18 Clerk’s report

Kim made a short report via Cllr James, she assured the Council that her handover at the end of her employment would ensure that all items are up-to-date and clearly documented.

Thanks were expressed to Kim for her service and hard work since her appointment

19 Financial Matters

a. To update on accounts – end of year

The AGAR report for 2022/23 has been through internal audit with a clean report and is now presented to Council for acceptance in three parts: Certificate of exemption Section 1

Section 2

Acceptance of all three sections was proposed by Cllr Redgate, seconded by Cllr James and accepted by acclaim

b. To update on accounts – year to date

The year-to-date accounts were presented

The Chair read the figures to the meeting, and they were accepted by acclaim

20 To advise of any items to be added to the next meeting agenda

Distribution of Coronation Mugs


To next agenda

21 Meeting dates for 2023/24

Meetings were confirmed as bi-monthly on the 3rd Monday

Monday 17th July 2023

Monday 18th September 2023

Monday 20th November 2023

Monday 15th January 2024

Monday 18th March 2024

Monday 18th March 2024

Monday 20th May 2024 – Annual Parish Meeting and Annual Parish Council

Meeting closed at 8.15pm