July 2022 Minutes
Gedney Hill Parish Council
Minutes of the Gedney Hill Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 19th July 2022.
Councillors Neil Watson (Chairman)
K. James (Vice Chairman)
J. Venters
P. Redgate
Minutes K. Sharp (Parish Clerk)
There were no members of the public attending.
Public Forum
There were no issues raised in the public forum from members of the public.
1. Apologies for absence and acceptance
Apologies were received from Councillor Mann.
2. Declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 and consideration of any requests for dispensation
There were no issues declared by the councillors.
3. To approve the draft notes of the meeting held on 16th May, 2022
The Councillors confirmed that the minutes were an accurate record of the Parish Council meeting and the minutes were duly signed.
4. Highways
The Clerk stated that she had reported to Lincolnshire CC that the public footpaths were overgrown from North Road to Mole Drove by the camping site, but no feedback had been forthcoming at the time of the meeting.
Local residents had asked if there were any plans to provide public footpaths along the South side of Highstock Lane. The Clerk stated she had contacted SHDC planning for further information but Councillor Redgate stated that the planning application had not included any further footpaths.
The Clerk reported public concerns of fly tipping at the top of Station Road and these had been reported on Fix My Street.
A previous issue was again raised in respect that BT had not fixed the damage at the bottom of the footpath by the school entrance, thus causing an ongoing hazard.
A member of the public had raised concerns over the same path where the concrete was higher than the ground, thus causing a slip/trip hazard. This was discussed and, whilst the Parish Council agreed this was not their responsibility, advised that they were happy for this to be looked into and sorted. Clerk to respond accordingly.
It was agreed, by the Parish Council, that the chipping on the edge of this path, should be monitored going forward, with the view to being re-done.
The School have asked if prior notice can be given of any vehicles needing to drive down the side of the pavilion, during school hours.
Discussion agreed that, going forward the School to be notified of any vehicular movement where known, however it was pointed out that sometimes contractors can arrive at any time and it is not always practicable to notify the school.
Further to requests from the public, the Clerk has contacted Lincolnshire County Council to request a further bench outside the Church. There was no update on this prior to the meeting.
5. Litter Bins
An issue raised by a member of the public regarding overflowing litter bins, has been reported to South Holland District Council. It has been established that the bin in question belongs to McColls and is their responsibility to empty this.
The Clerk has asked the Council for further ‘Dog Waste’ Signs (Please Pick up Your Dog Litter). To place around the public footpaths.
6. Cemetery
The Clerk stated that there had been 1 further interment since the last meeting. There had also been 1 plot reserved by a Parishioner.
The base for the new shed has been completed and discussions over the new metal shed were held prior to ordering. Items discussed concerned ventilation, anchor points, delivery and size.
A parishioner has asked for a specific shaped memorial headstone for one of the plots in the shape of a Panda. This was discussed with the Councillors and agreed in principal however the final design will be presented to the Parish Council prior to work being undertaken.
It was reported that there had been 2 fallen branches in the Cemetery. It was stated that SHDC are yet to respond to the initial request made by the Church Wardens for any work to be undertaken as these trees are covered by TPO’s. Councillor Redgate to ask for an update at the SHDC Planning meeting on the 20 July.
7. Welcome letter to new residents
It was stated that the Village Hall Community Group were doing a newsletter type welcome letter, which could then be circulated appropriately around the village along with any relevant Parish Council information.
8. Planning
Reference |
Location |
Proposal |
Received |
Type |
Status |
The Poplars North Road Gedney Hill PE12 0NS |
Change of use of barn to residential dwelling |
22-06-22 |
Prior Approval App |
Undecided |
The Poplars North Road Gedney Hill PE12 0NS |
Change of use of barn to residential dwelling - re-submission of H07-0908-21 |
15-06-22 |
Prior Approval App |
Undecided |
West Drove South Gedney Hill Spalding PE12 0PN |
Change of use of barn to residential dwelling - previously approved under H07-0244-20 |
07-06-22 |
Prior Approval App |
Undecided |
Reference |
Location |
Proposal |
Received |
Type |
Status |
Millfield Nursery Mill Lane Gedney Hill |
Details of method statement detailing how construction traffic, site personnel vehicles, etc will be managed and foul & surface water disposal (Conditions 8 & 11 of H07-0109-22) |
11-04-22 |
Approved |
Millfield Nursery Mill Lane Gedney Hill PE12 0PW |
Details of final report relating to archaeology (Condition 14 of H07-0109-22) |
26-05-22 |
Approved |
9. Pavilion/Playing Field
The Pavilion has a forthcoming booking for the Jack and Jill group on Aug 4th.
At the time of the meeting, Circlefire has not been to reconfigure the CCTV as the night recording is of poor quality. Clerk to contact them.
10. Policies and Procedures Review
It was raised that the current policies and procedures need their annual review. It was suggested that, as changes to some procedures were made due to ‘Covid’, in terms of wording, this should now be changed to ‘National Emergencies’ to cater for any future unprecedented change in society.
Clerk to forward all policies to the Chairman for his perusal. Policies and procedures to be added to next meeting’s agenda.
11. Community Speed Watch
It was discussed between the Councillors that, as GHPC were not continuing CSW for the foreseeable future, a request had been made to provisionally lend our equipment to Holbeach Drove due to start their CSW Programme. All were in agreement with this. The Chairman to follow this up.
12. Clerk’s Report
The Clerk had nothing else to raise apart from the highways/planning issues that had been reported, throughout the meeting.
13. Financial matters
Internet banking for the Clerk, was discussed for going forward.
- To update on accounts
Account balances (account balances as of 18 July 2022)
Financial matters
- To update on accounts
Account balances (account balances as of 19th July 2022)
Current account 06903266 £10,922.47
Business reserve 58607552 £1523.74 + £0.25 interest = £1523.99
Current account 07582544 £585.10 (No transactions) £585.10
Business reserve 62021915 £732.74 + £0.12 interest = £732.86
Current Account (£200 CHQ + £120 Cash)
Business Reserve £0.25
Total £320.25
Current Account £ Nil
Business Reserve £0.12
Total £0.12
EDF Energy |
DD |
31.00 |
0 |
31.00 |
The Broker Network |
001192 |
1649.65 |
0 |
1649.65 |
Circlefire |
001190 |
48.00 |
8.00 |
40.00 |
Holbeach Heating |
001189 |
243.31 |
40.55 |
202.76 |
Wages |
001195 |
351.50 |
0 |
351.50 |
Clerk Utilities |
001197 |
15.00 |
0 |
15.00 |
Circlefire |
001194 |
604.08 |
100.68 |
503.40 |
Circlefire |
001196 |
514.34 |
0 |
514.34 |
Auditor/Accountant |
120.00 |
0 |
120.00 |
Wages |
001199 |
351.50 |
0 |
351.50 |
Clerk Utilities |
001200 |
15.00 |
0 |
15.00 |
001193 |
240.68 |
0 |
240.68 |
EDF Energy |
DD |
31.00 |
0 |
31.00 |
Time Assured |
001201 |
162.00 |
27.00 |
135.00 |
Totals: |
4377.06 |
176.23 |
4200.83 |
Uncleared Cheques
Memorial Hall |
001191 |
48.00 |
0 |
48.00 |
Handyman Wages |
001198 |
28.50 |
0 |
28.50 |
Wave (Anglia Water) |
001202 |
33.23 |
0 |
33.23 |
Totals: |
109.73 |
0 |
109.73 |
Total £109.73
GHSP – No Cheques issued
14. To advise of any items to be added to the next meeting agenda
The review of policies and procedures.
15. Dates of next meetings
The next Parish Council meetings are scheduled as follows, at 18:30. The venue will be as identified unless changed prior to the meeting.
Sept 19th 2022 - Pavilion
Nov 21st 2022- Memorial Hall
Jan 16th 2023- Memorial Hall
Mar 20th 2023- Memorial Hall
May 15th 2023- Memorial Hall
The meeting was closed at 20:15 hrs.
Kim Sharp
Clerk/RFO Gedney Hill Parish Council