May 2022 Meeting Minutes
Gedney Hill Parish Council
Minutes of the Gedney Hill Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 16th May 2022.
Councillors Neil Watson (Chairman)
D. Mann
K. James
J. Venters
Minutes K. Sharp (Parish Clerk)
Also present 14 members of the public.
Public Forum
No issues were raised in the public forum by members of the public.
1. Apologies for absence and acceptance
Apologies were received from Councillor Redgate and Councillor Pepper.
2. Election of Officers
Councillor Watson was proposed and elected as the new Chairman with Councillor James proposed and elected as the Vice Chairman.
3. Declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 and consideration of any requests for dispensation
Nothing was declared by the councillors.
4. To approve the draft notes of the meeting held on 21st March, 2022
The Councillors confirmed the minutes were an accurate record of the Parish Council meeting and the minutes were duly signed.
5. Highways
It was reported that the public footpaths were overgrown from North Road to Mole Drove by the camping site. Clerk to report this issue again.
Local residents have asked if there are plans to provide public footpaths along Highstock Lane. Clerk to contact LCC accordingly.
A member of the public raised concerns of fly tipping at the top of Station Road. Clerk to report this issue.
6. Cemetery
The Clerk updated the meeting over concerns raised as to over-hanging branches into the cemetery from the Church graveyard. The Clerk had contacted the Church Wardens to identity what can be done in respect of cutting these back. The Church Wardens were aware that there are TPO’s identified and are awaiting SHDC specialists to view and advise.
It was reported there had been 1 internment since the last meeting.
It was discussed that a base for the new metal shed would need to be organised. This will be discussed at the next meeting.
7. Parish Council Website
The website has now been updated to reflect meeting minutes, agendas and to announce the AGAR Public Rights Period.
8. Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Update
A detailed update as to the festivities to arise in the upcoming Platinum Jubilee event, were provided. Amongst those discussed were the following:
- Beacons to be lit at the set time to align with the rest of the Country
- Street Party outside the Memorial Hall (Public to bring their own food)
- Competitions/games and afternoon tea in the Memorial Hall
- Children to have Kazoos and wear red, white and blue
- Church to open for flower displays, memorabilia and art group work
It was asked if the Parish Council could donate a prize but it was decided there was no budget and this was not on the agenda to discuss.
Councillor Pepper and Councillor Seymour to receive an agenda from the Community Group.
9. Welcome Letter To New Residents
The Chairman provided a list of facilities, services and businesses local to the area, which was presented to the Councillors for their perusal.
10. Planning
a. To discuss current planning applications
The following applications received since the last meeting were discussed:
Planning Approved / Refused
Reference |
Location |
Proposal |
Received |
Type |
Status |
Millfield Nursery Mill Lane Gedney Hill PE12 0PW |
Residential Development - 8 Dwellings - approved under H07-0109-22. Amendment to brick type. |
05-04-22 |
Approved |
Plot 4 Highstock Lane Gedney Hill Spalding PE12 0QG |
Erection of 4 bed detached bungalow with detached cart lodge garage - re-submission of H07-0818-21 |
16-03-22 |
Approved |
Conversion of garage with extension above to create additional living accommodation including solar panels to roof and siting of caravan during construction. |
25-02-22 |
Approved |
Works to Gedney Hill Tree Preservation Order No 2 1989 |
14-02-22 |
TPO Tree Works |
Millfield Nursery Mill Lane Gedney Hill PE12 0PW |
Residential Development - 8 Dwellings |
03-02-22 |
Approved |
Adj. 22 Station Road Gedney Hill Spalding |
Details of existing & proposed site levels & proposed floor levels and soakaway system for the disposal of surface water (Conditions 5 & 6 of H07-1252-21) |
31-01-22 |
Approved |
H07-0292-22 |
Plot 4 Highstock Lane, Gedney Hill, Spalding |
Erection of 4 bed detached bungalow with detached cart lodge garage – resubmission of H07-08-18-21 |
09-05-22 |
Approved |
Reference |
Location |
Proposal |
Received |
Type |
Status |
North View Fishing Lakes North Road Gedney Hill PE12 0NS |
Details of landscaping, external illumination, means of foul & surface water disposal and ecological survey (Conditions 5, 6, 8 & 9 of H07-0549-21) |
11-05-22 |
Undecided |
Millfield Nursery Mill Lane Gedney Hill |
Details of method statement detailing how construction traffic, site personnel vehicles, etc. will be managed and foul & surface water disposal (Conditions 8 & 11 of H07-0109-22) |
11-04-22 |
Undecided |
b. To discuss consultations and concerns
No comments were received with respect to the above.
11. Pavilion/Playing Field
An email was received by a member of the public for the use of the field on 3 June. It was suggested that a small cost (£10.00) would be incurred to cover the cost of the hall utilities. It was, however, mentioned that we would need to comply with all legal requirements if live music was desired i.e Public Liability Insurance for an open event.
The Clerk was asked to email details of other agendas (with regards to the Jubilee) to other parties, to avoid duplication/clashes of events.
It was raised that the caretaking of the hall needs to be done correctly and discussions turned to whether the position could be paid or voluntary. This would include the locking/unlocking of the pavilion. This is to be discussed at the next meeting.
12. Community Speed Watch
a. To receive the CSW report
The direction of the sessions of CSW were discussed. It was agreed to suspend the sessions for a year.
13. Clerk’s Report
The Clerk has been finalising the accounts for the end of the financial year, in preparation to present these to the Chairman in a separate meeting.
14. Financial matters
Monies will be incoming from the art group and community group for the hire of the pavilion.
- To update on accounts
Account balances (account balances as of 15th May 2022)
Current account 06903266 £15299.53
Business reserve 58607552 £1523.62 + £0.12 interest = £1523.74
Current account 07582544 £585.10 (No transactions)
Business reserve 62021915 £732.68 + £0.06 interest = £732.74
Current Account £ 10,395
Business Reserve £0.12
Total £10,395.12
Current Account £ Nil
Business Reserve £0.06
Total £0.06
Pavilion Costs |
001182 |
22.40 |
3.73 |
18.67 |
T.A Blackamore |
001183 |
1162.74 |
193.79 |
968.95 |
D.J. Coleman (GHS) |
001184 |
380.00 |
0 |
380.00 |
D. J. Coleman (GHS) |
001185 |
120.00 |
0 |
120.00 |
Clerk Wages |
001186 |
329.67 |
0 |
329.67 |
Clerk Utilities |
001187 |
15.00 |
0 |
15.00 |
Circlefire |
001188 |
66.00 |
11.00 |
55.00 |
EDF Energy (April) |
DD |
31.00 |
0 |
31.00 |
EDF Energy (May) |
DD |
31.00 |
0 |
31.00 |
Sth. Holland Drain.Bd |
001127 |
28.21 |
0 |
28.21 |
Clerk Wages |
001128 |
351.50 |
0 |
351.50 |
Clerk Utilities |
001129 |
15.00 |
0 |
15.00 |
Holbeach Heating |
001130 |
749.73 |
124.95 |
624.78 |
Wave |
001126 |
17.77 |
0 |
17.77 |
Totals: |
3320.02 |
333.47 |
2986.55 |
Uncleared Cheques
Handyman Wages |
001125 |
31.18 |
0 |
31.18 |
Handyman Wages |
001131 |
28.50 |
0 |
28.50 |
Speed Camera Charging |
001132 |
30.00 |
0 |
30.00 |
Totals: |
89.68 |
0 |
89.68 |
Total £89.68
Payee Chq No. Gross VAT Nett
15. To advise of any items to be added to the next meeting agenda
16. Dates of next meetings
The next Parish Council meetings are scheduled as follows, at 18:30. The individual venue will be communicated nearer the time.
The date of the next meeting was discussed and agreed to be changed to Tuesday 19th July at 18:30 and the website was updated accordingly.
July 19th 2022
Sept 19th 2022
Nov 21st 2022
Jan 16th 2023
Mar 20th 2023
May 15th 2023
The meeting was closed at 19:45 hrs.
Kim Sharp
Clerk/RFO Gedney Hill Parish Council