March 2022 Minutes
Gedney Hill Parish Council
Minutes of the Gedney Hill Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 21st March 2022.
Councillors K. James (Chairman)
D. Mann
N. Watson
J. Venters
P. Redgate
Minutes K. Sharp (Parish Clerk)
Also present 2 members of the public. Councillor Pepper
Public Forum
No issues were raised in the public forum by members of the public.
1. Apologies for absence and acceptance
No apologies were received for absence.
2. Declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 and consideration of any requests for dispensation
Nothing was declared by the councillors.
3. To approve the draft notes of the meeting held on 17th January, 2022
The Councillors confirmed they were an accurate record of the Parish Council meeting however it was suggested that the wording in respect of the precept was expanded to identify the substantial percentage increase in costs.
The precept had been discussed by the councillors and it has been agreed that a “one off” additional increase in funding, for this year, amounting to a 41.1% increase, be obtained to cover the additional costs envisaged.
It was stressed by the Chairman that this was an exceptional rise for this year only and the precept would revert back to pre-2022 levels in respect of the annual increase for the year 2023/24.
The minutes would be amended to include this.
4. Highways
It was stated that flooding was still occurring on Highstock Lane despite the work undertaken. This issue had been recorded previously, but Clerk to report this again.
The hedge issue on Lincolns Avenue has still not been resolved, despite being previously recorded. Clerk to report this again also.
A 12 hour traffic survey was suggested with a suggested proposal of a weight restriction in follow up to a letter that was sent a year ago to Highways. Clerk to contact Highways for an update on this.
Councillor Redgate raised the issue of fly tipping on West Drove South. The delay in removing the detritus had been caused by the need to await a bigger vehicle. Fly tipping has also been raised as an issue on South Eau Bank. Clerk to report this using “Fix My Street”.
5. Clock Winding
The current stipend of £100 has been in place for a number of years. A proposed increase of £25 to £125 per year was suggested and, agreed by all concerned, for the clock winding services provided. Clerk to write to Mr. Coles to confirm this will take place as of January 2023.
6. Cemetery
Concerns were raised as to over-hanging branches into the cemetery from the Church graveyard. It was suggested that the Clerk contact the Church Wardens to identity what can be done in respect of cutting these back. It will be necessary for the church to ensure that there are not any TPO’s in respect of these trees prior to any work commencing.
The shed is in a bad state of disrepair and is virtually falling down. There is, however, monies in the precept to purchase a new shed and mower. It was proposed and agreed by all concerned, that a metal clad shed may be more beneficial. The logistics in respect of the purchase and erection of the shed will be discussed at the next meeting when the precept has been made available.
7. Parish Council Website
This has been duly updated in terms of: dates of meetings, updated names of councillors, and agenda and minutes to date. Clerk has had 2 training sessions with another Parish Clerk to get up to speed with website alterations. Work continues by the Clerk to maintain this.
8. Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Update
Councillor Watson shared proposals of an ‘off road’ street party by the Memorial hall and that a gas fire beacon has been purchased for this event. Other events appear to be being considered however changes are continually being made.
9. Welcome Letter To New Residents
Councillor Watson is working on this, and will give an update next meeting. Information, kindly provided by a local resident, was quite out of date and would need to be completely re-vamped.
10. Planning
a. To discuss current planning applications
The following applications received since the last meeting were discussed:
Planning approved
Reference |
Location |
Proposal |
Received |
Type |
Status |
H07-0094-22 |
Sunray 21 Hillgate Gedney Hill PE12 0NN |
Demolition of existing single storey dwelling & erection of 3 single storey dwellings - approved under H07-0989-21. Amendments to brick type |
01-02-22 |
Approved |
H07-0013-22 |
Land Rear of 17 Station Road Gedney Hill Spalding PE12 0NP |
Proposed stables with associated storage and tack room together with adjacent menage, paddocks and fencing - approved under H07-1076-20. Modification to Condition 2 to allow amendments to previously approved plans. |
10-01-22 |
Approved |
H07-1303-21 |
Proposed garage and solar panels to south facing roof |
16-12-21 |
Approved |
H07-1252-21 |
Adj. 22 Station Road Gedney Hill Spalding PE12 0NP |
Erection of Dwelling |
02-12-21 |
Approved |
H07-1222-21 |
Land Off Station Road Gedney Hill Spalding PE12 0NP |
Residential Development |
25-11-21 |
Approved |
Reference |
Location |
Proposal |
Received |
Type |
Status |
H07-0210-22 |
Conversion of garage with extension above to create additional living accommodation including solar panels to roof and siting of caravan during construction. |
25-02-22 |
Undecided |
H07-0168-22 |
Works to Gedney Hill Tree Preservation Order No 2 1989 |
14-02-22 |
TPO Tree Works |
Undecided |
b. To discuss consultations and concerns
No comments were received with respect to the above.
11. Pavilion/Playing Field
- Fire procedures and Equipment
Fire procedures are in place and risk assessments are complete. A safety check of the fire extinguishers is due in the next week. A new hot water cylinder has been ordered and will be in place as soon as possible. Cleaning of the cameras and wiring of the cylinder will be completed at the same time when the cylinder has been installed.
12. Community Speed Watch
a. To receive the CSW report
The CSW co-ordinator provided a report.
Since the last Parish Council meeting four Speedwatch sessions have been carried out. During those sessions it was recorded that, of 307 passing vehicles, 47 (15%) were recorded at speeds from 35 to 55mph (16% to 83% over the limit).
Councillor Watson stated there were no more sessions planned for the moment and would contact the CSW group, to see how they felt about the direction of the sessions.
13. Clerk’s Report
The Clerk reported that she had been working with another Parish Clerk to better understand website maintenance. This has been very beneficial and allowed all information to be updated.
Work on VAT claim and the AGAR has also been the priority ready for the forthcoming audit in May.
14. Financial matters
Monies will be incoming from the art group and community group for the hire of the pavilion.
- To update on accounts
Account balances (account balances as of 21st March 2022)
Current account 06903266 £8224.55
Business reserve 58607552 £1523.60 + £0.02 interest = £1523.62
Current account 07582544 £585.10 (No transactions)
Business reserve 62021915 £732.66 + £0.02 interest = £732.68
Current Account £ Nil
Business Reserve £0.02
Total £0.02
Current Account £ Nil
Business Reserve £0.02
Total £0.02
Kim Sharp - Wages |
001176 |
329.67 |
0 |
329.67 |
Kim Sharp - Wages |
001177 |
15.00 |
0 |
15.00 |
Ken James - Heater |
001178 |
26 .49 |
4.42 |
22.07 |
Richard Coles - clock |
001179 |
100.00 |
0 |
100.00 |
Kim Sharp - Wages |
001180 |
329.67 |
0 |
329.67 |
Kim Sharp - Expenses |
001181 |
15.00 |
0 |
15.00 |
G&L Cade - Moles |
001171 |
66.00 |
???? |
??? |
GDPR Renewal |
001172 |
40.00 |
??? |
??? |
4.42 |
811.41 |
Uncleared Cheques
Ken James – Pavilion requirements |
001182 |
22.40 |
3.73 |
18.67 |
T A Blackamore – Mowing and hedges |
001183 |
1162.64 |
193.79 |
968.95 |
D J Coleman – Bus shelter roof |
001184 |
380.00 |
0 |
380.00 |
D J Coleman – Pavilion roof |
001185 |
120.00 |
0 |
120.00 |
Kim Sharp - Wages |
001186 |
329.67 |
0 |
329.67 |
Kim Sharp - Expenses |
001187 |
15.00 |
0 |
15.00 |
2029.71 |
197.52 |
1832.29 |
Total £2029.71
Payee Chq No. Gross VAT Nett
Total £0.0
15. To advise of any items to be added to the next meeting agenda
16. Dates of next meetings
The next Parish Council meetings are scheduled as follows, at 18:30. The individual venue will be communicated nearer the time.
May 16th 2022 (to include the annual meeting)
July 18th 2022
Sept 19th 2022
Nov 21st 2022
Jan 16th 2023
Mar 20th 2023
May 15th 2023
The meeting was closed at 19:09 hrs.