January 2022 MInutes
Gedney Hill Parish Council
Minutes of the Gedney Hill Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 17th January 2022.
Councillors K. James (Chairman)
D. Mann
N. Watson
J. Venters
P. Redgate
Minutes K. Sharp (Parish Clerk)
Also present 7 members of the public
Public Forum
It was requested that the minutes of the meeting be placed on the GHPC website. Clerk to work with another Parish Clerk to understand how to proceed with this as there is little information to go on and previous efforts have failed. See Agenda Issue below.
Issues with Public Footpaths were raised with regards to the upkeep of such. The Chairman advised this would be discussed during the agenda items.
Funding for the Jubilee – it was suggested that the community work together for funding. The Council were asked for a volunteer for the Jubilee Committee. Cllr. James volunteered for this.
1. Apologies for absence and acceptance
No apologies were received.
2. Declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 and consideration of any requests for dispensation
Nothing stated.
3. To approve the draft notes of the meeting held on 15th November, 2021
The Councillors confirmed they were an accurate record of the Parish Council meeting, the Chairman duly signed them.
4. Precept
Quotations have been obtained for the cost of hot water in the Pavillion, from local tradesmen, along with further expenditure for other projects identified on an urgent basis for the coming year 2022/23. The precept has been discussed by the councillors and it has been suggested by the Councillors that a “one off” additional increase in funding, for this year, be obtained in addition to the annual increase to cover the additional costs envisaged.
5. Highways
The hedge at the corner of Lincolns Avenue still remains an issue at the time of the meeting. However, this has been reported and we await further updates or action.
It was noted that the kerb stones by the village shop, were damaged, and that cars were parking on these. Clerk has contacted highways to report this, and this is currently under investigation. The Manager of the shop has suggested that his employees are unable to park round the back of the shop before 9.00 a.m due to previously raised noise concerns, and this also restricts the delivery lorries between certain time periods, but he would ask that they park at the back of the shop where possible, to avoid front parking.
It was raised by Councillor Watson, that a drain on Highstock Lane, where there had been a recent RTA, needs investigation. Clerk has contacted highways on this matter, and this is currently under investigation.
An email from a local resident has commented on the state of the pavement on Highstock Lane where the builders are working. The chairman stated that he had visited the area on several occasions and, although the pavement can be messy during the working day, the builders do clear up at the end of the day and at weekends. It is thought that only one of the building firms tend to cause an issue. These will be contacted should this continue.
6. Cemetery
There have been no internments since the last meeting.
Moles are causing an issue and contact has been made to get these dealt with.
It has been suggested that the mower and shed will need replacing and these will be addressed during 2022/23 dependant on the precept.
The local handyman is now back from sickness and can continue maintaining the area.
7. Footpaths
a. Right of Way – Identification
At the time of the meeting, the footpath been cleared between North Rd. and Mole Drove. The other 2 footpaths are still outstanding but LCC has promised that these will be actioned asap.
8. Project Dignity
The Council have stated that no planning permission appears to have been received to date.
9. Parish Council Website
The Clerk has sought guidance from LCC but, needs further guidance on setting up the website. The website has had nothing posted to date. Clerk has contacted another Clerk for some assistance and guidance in setting this up.
10. Queen’s Platinum Jubilee
It was suggested that a group project, for various events, be compiled. Various ideas and activities were discussed. The Council were asked for a volunteer on behalf of the Parish Council to be involved and to input. Councillor James volunteered to do this.
11. Welcome Letter to New Residents
A suggestion was raised by Councillor Watson, with regards to all the new builds and subsequent upturn in the increase of new local residents, for a welcome letter full of useful information to be delivered. It was agreed that suggestions be discussed as to what information should be provided, and to obtain other information from the Community. A member of the public stated that there used to be such a newsletter a few years ago. She would try to find a copy and forward it to the PC.
12. Planning
a. To discuss current planning applications
The following applications received since the last meeting were discussed:
Planning approved
Reference |
Location |
Proposal |
Received |
Type |
Status |
Sunray 21 Hillgate Gedney Hill PE12 0NN |
Demolition of existing single storey dwelling and erection of three single storey dwellings. |
21-09-21 |
Approved |
Adj. Corner Lodge West Drove South Gedney Hill PE12 0PN |
Residential Development - 2 Bungalows |
16-09-21 |
Approved |
Adj. 54 Highstock Lane Gedney Hill Spalding PE12 0QQ |
Proposed 4 bed house with attached double garage - Re-submission of H07-0496-21 |
15-09-21 |
Approved |
Mole Drove Gedney Hill Spalding PE12 0PA |
Proposed agricultural building |
14-09-21 |
Approved |
Millfield Nurseries Mill Lane Gedney Hill PE12 0PW |
Proposed Residential Development of up to 9 dwellings |
01-09-21 |
Approved |
Plot 1 South of Highstock Lane Gedney Hill PE12 0QG |
Details of foul & surface water disposal (Condition 3 of H07-0411-21) |
25-08-21 |
Approved |
The Poplars North Road Gedney Hill PE12 0NS |
Change of use of barn to residential dwelling |
25-08-21 |
Prior Approval App |
Approved |
Works to Gedney Hill Tree Preservation Order No 3 1989 |
06-08-21 |
TPO Tree Works |
Approved |
Plot 4 Highstock Lane Gedney Hill Spalding PE12 0QG |
Erection of 3 bed bungalow with detached garage, access, parking, soft & hard landscaping |
30-07-21 |
Approved |
Land North of Highstock Lane Gedney Hill Spalding PE12 0QG |
Details of foul & surface water disposal (Condition 3 of H07-1161-20) |
05-05-21 |
Approved |
A member of the public raised the fact he was not happy with the amount of new developments in Gedney Hill.
Reference |
Location |
Proposal |
Received |
Type |
Status |
H07-1152-21 |
Proposed stables with associated storage and tack room together with adjacent menage, paddocks & fencing - approved under H07-1076-20 - approve under H07-1076-20. Amendments to size and location of floodlit menage. |
09-11-21 |
Undecided |
H07-1115-21 |
West Drove South Gedney Hill Spalding PE12 0PN |
Erection of detached dwelling |
01-11-21 |
Undecided |
West Drove South Gedney Hill Spalding |
Details of archaeology monitoring & recording report (Condition 5 of H07-0655-21) |
29-10-21 |
Undecided |
13. Pavilion/Playing Field
Quotations for hot water supply have been sought from local tradespeople.
Clerk has reached out to the local nursery (as a starting point) to try to promote the use of the pavilion for children’s parties or social events, but at the time of the meeting, no response had been received.
A question was asked as to the CCTV coverage at the Pavillion, as to whether coverage stemmed to the end of the field. It was clarified that if it did, it would be of poor quality and low resolution.
BT have offered to fix the paving outside the school, as this has been earmarked as a hazard for wheelchair users or parents with pushchairs.
14. Community Speed Watch
a. To receive the CSW report
The CSW co-ordinator provided a report. Data issued as follows:
Poor weather and short days have limited the Group’s activity since the last meeting. Overall since the groups formation 80 sessions have taken place, over those sessions 1152 vehicles have been recorded (15% of the passing vehicles) with highest speed recorded 67 mph.
The static sign however has been operational 24 hours a day, and over the past nine weeks has recorded 80636 vehicles exceeding the speed limit on Mill Lane, 58% of the passing vehicles, 14% (or 1 in 7) of the passing vehicles were exceeding 40 mph, 36 exceeded 60 mph, with a highest speed of 75 mph.
The Clerk had been contacted by a local reporter to ask what was being done about the local speeding issues. It was suggested that Cllr. Watson provided some data to the Clerk who would then contact the reporter accordingly.
Councillor Redgate suggested that Cllr. Pepper be contacted to organise a 12 hour traffic survey and involve Sgt. Langham, who had contacted the Clerk offering to help with any issues within his remit.
15. Clerk’s Report
The Clerk reported that she would be working with another Clerk to get the Gedney Hill website up to date.
Work on VAT claim and the AGAR has also been the priority ready for the forthcoming audit in May.
16. Financial matters
a. Annual Governance and Accountability Return
It was suggested that GHPC operate with just 2 accounts, rather than the current 4. The Chairman stated that he was trying to address this matter but it was proving difficult as it needed to be done “on line” and there was an issue with email accounts.
b. To update on accounts
Account balances (account balances as of 17th January, 2022)
Account balances (account balances as of 17th January, 2022)
Current account 06903266 £9335.47
Business reserve 58607552 £1523.58 + £0.02 interest = £1523.60
Current account 07582544 £585.10 (No transactions)
Business reserve 62021915 £732.64 + £0.02 interest = £732.66
Current Account £ Nil
Business Reserve £0.02
Total £0.02
Current Account £ Nil
Business Reserve £0.02
Total £0.02
DD |
20.00 |
0 |
20.00 |
Ken James |
001167 |
31.15 |
0 |
26.49 |
Royal British Legion |
001168 |
25.00 |
0 |
25.00 |
Kim Sharp |
001169 |
329.67 |
0 |
329.67 |
Kim Sharp |
001170 |
329.67 |
0 |
329.67 |
DD |
20.00 |
0 |
20.00 |
Total £755.49
Uncleared Cheques
G&L Cade |
001171 |
66.00 |
GDPR Renewal |
00172 |
40.00 |
Anglian Water (WAVE) |
00173 |
37.54 |
Malc Ford |
00174 |
44.55 |
Total £188.09
Payee Chq No. Gross VAT Nett
Total £0.0
17. To advise of any items to be added to the next meeting agenda
18. Dates of next meetings
The next Parish Council meetings are scheduled as follows, at 18:30. The individual venue will be communicated nearer the time.
March 21st 2022
May 16th 2022 (to include the annual meeting)
July 18th 2022
Sept 19th 2022
Nov 21st 2022
Jan 16th 2023
Mar 20th 2023
May 15th 2023
19. Other Business
Councillor Venters stated that it appears sewage is being discharged into the drain in West Drove North (LH side). The Clerk is to write to the District Council with a request to see if the local treatment plant can be checked.
The meeting was closed at 19:38 hrs.