November 2024 DRAFT Minutes (Full Council)
held at the Gedney Hill and District Memorial Hall, Hillgate, PE12 0NN
on Monday 18 November 2024, at 6.30pm
GHPC Councillors: N Watson (Chair), M Shepherd (Vice-Chair), K James, A Watson.
Clerk: V Watson
Also present: 7 members of the public
PUBLIC FORUM (15 minutes)
Nothing was raised.
1. Chairmans remarks.
The Chair welcomed everyone to this meeting.
2. Apologies for absence and acceptance.
Cllr Redgate sent his apologies which were accepted.
3. To approve the draft minutes of the meeting held on 1 October 2024.
Draft minutes accepted and signed
4. Declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 and consideration of any requests for dispensation.
No declarations of interest.
5. Clerks Report on matters outstanding.
Since our last meeting non 1 October the GHPC PPC has been formed and 2 meetings have been held.
The bank accounts for the PPC have been opened.
6. Financial Report.
Amount in bank accounts:
Current A/c: £1,948.56
Savings A/c: £21,827.14
Wind Farm A/c: £0.00
Play Park Current A/c: £249.00
Play Park Savings A/c: £0.00
a) Expenditure from 17 September – 18 November
b) Deposits received since 17 September 2024:
30/09/24 – Interest £164.69
23/10/24 – GHEC donation £2443.33
c) Clerks change in salary (due to increase in salary scales)
The National Joint Council for Local Government Services has reached an agreement on rates of pay applicable from 1 April 2024 – 31 March 2025.
This has resulted in an increase of pay for GHPC Clerk of £277.25 per year which breaks down to an increase of £0.63 per hour.
The back pay due is £161.73 and the new monthly salary will be £460.94.
7. PPC Update
Cllr M Shepherd updated us on the PPC.
The PPC have met twice and formed a working group which has also met twice.
Companies have visited the site and quotes have been requested by 1 December. All companies are AP approved.
The PPC would be grateful for advice from the PC on how often a risk assessment should be undertaken, once the park is set up and who should undertake it.
Cllr Shepherd will take a Play Area Routine Inspectors Course (with exam) run by The Play Inspection Co.
A Play and Plan day is planned for 1 December when the plans will be shown to the village. This will take the form of a fun day with raffle, tombola, cake stall and name the bear. There will be hot food and the bar will be open. Members of the public will be encouraged to view the plans and have their say.
Fundraising: The National Lottery is the first grant that will be applied for and will be contacted once the plan and expected cost is known.
Other grants, Crowdfunding, Easy Fundraising, business donations and team fundraising will all be looked at once PPC know how much the Lottery will give.
Letters of support are coming in – they are useful when applying for funding.
Pre-planning Application will be applied for once a suitable drawing and quote is available. It will be completed by the PPC and sent to the Clerk for submission.
PPC aim to have the final plan for PC approval, the application for planning and the application for the lottery available at the next PC meeting (20 January 2025). If they are not ready for this date an extra ordinary meeting may need to be called.
The PPC have the following questions that the PC agreed to answer in due course:
Will the VAT claimed back from the project be transferred to the PPC account?
If the CCTV requires updating will this be possible?
Can the CCTV policy be looked at and updated if necessary?
The next PPC meeting is 14 January 2025. Cllr Watson asked if this date could be moved forward so any matters arising from this meeting have time to be dealt with before the PC meeting on 20 January.
ACTION: Cllr Shepherd
8. To discuss any issues relating to the Parish Pavilion.
a) PTA Event
The PTA for Gedney Hill and Shepeau Stow School have asked to hold a Colour Run on Sunday 18 May.
Cllr Shepherd and the Clerk met with two members of the PTA. The Pavilion and field will be used. Set up will take place on 17 May. Cllr Shepherd will be available. The insurance and risk assessment will be given to the Clerk at the start of May.
All agreed to the proposal.
Cllr N Watson
Cllr M Shepherd
Cllr A Watson
Cllr K James
ACTION: Clerk to inform PTA
9. Speedwatch Group update.
Wet weather rained off the planned session in October. Sessions will be on hold until the Spring.
10. Planning
a) To discuss current planning applications and decisions
H07-0854-24 Land adjacent to Harvest Lodge Station Road Gedney Hill PE12 0NP
H07-0815-24 Holy Trinity Church Hillgate Gedney Hill PE12 0NN
H07-0940-24 32 Hillgate Gedney Hill PE12 0NN
No comment, this is a compliance issue.
Questions were raised:
A concrete base has been laid at the golf course – is planning needed for this?
A caravan is on a field on West Drove South, that people are living in – is planning needed for this?
b) To discuss consultations and concerns
A request to comment on the Scoping Report for the Fen Reservoir Project. GHPC has no comment to make.
11. Cemetery Matters
a) Scribe Cemetery
The Clerk has attended a training course on Scribe Cemetery and would like to use this for the GHPC cemetery.
It was decided to hold off on this for 6 months and revisit when the Clerk has spent more time on cemetery matters.
ACTION: Clerk to bring up in 6 months
12. To advise of any items to be added to the next meeting agenda.
Bush growing over footpath
Wind Farm Grants – an application process needs to be discussed so the PC can distribute the funds from the Wind Farm.
13. Date of next meeting – Monday 20 January 2025
Meeting closed at 7.10pm