July 2024 DRAFT Minutes


MINUTES OF THE JULY PARISH MEETING  held at The Parish Pavilion, North Road on Monday 15 July 2024 AT 6.30pm


GHPC Councillors: N Watson (Chair), M Shepherd (Vice-Chair), K James, A Watson, P Redgate

Clerk: V Watson 

Also present: Cllr L Eldridge, South Holland District Council, five (5) members of the public 

APOLOGIES: None, all Councillors present.


Cllr Eldridge spoke about the Churchyard vandalism, the Meridian Solar Farm, the waste survey consultation.

Churchyard vandalism – Cllr James suggested that GHPC look at placing cameras in the churchyard to cover the cemetery.  Cllr James also suggested that GHPC should consider paying toward cutting back the tree in the Churchyard that overhangs the footpath.  This could be considered under Local Council Administration (6th edition) Ch 25 part A and should be on the agenda for the next meeting.

Cllr Redgate pointed out that the public footpath is the responsibility of South Holland District Council (SHDC).

Mr Robert Congreve found the acoustics of the Pavilion made it difficult to hear and the room claustrophobic and asked if GHPC would consider holding meetings in the Memorial Hall.  Cllr N Watson responded the Memorial Hall has been requested for at least the next 5 meetings.

 – this has now been approved by the Hall Committee. 

Mr Congreve is concerned about the vehicles parking on Lincoln’s Avenue.  It makes it difficult to navigate the road, particularly for large/wide vehicles.  Cllr Redgate said the vehicles were parked legally.  The road has a 30mph speed limit there is no restriction on parking and SHDC cannot enforce anything.  A suggestion was made for speed bumps but as Gedney Hill is a diversion route when the A47 is closed this is unlikely to be considered.  If the road is blocked it becomes a police matter, if Mr Congreve is unable to get through the police should be called.  Mr Congreve asked if Lincolnshire County Council, and the SHDC housing team could get together to look at the issue.

Cllr N Watson informed the meeting that the road signs at either end of Lincoln’s Avenue were due to be corrected so they both show the correct road name – Lincoln’s Avenue.

Mr Congreve asked who was responsible for the public litter bins to be emptied as the ones on Lincoln’s Avenue and West Drove North were full.  Cllr Eldridge informed the meeting that it is the responsibility of SHDC, but is currently under review.

Parish Clerk has reported to SHDC.

1.   Apologies for absence and acceptance

No apologies.

2.   Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

3.   Approve the draft minutes of the meeting held on 20 May 2024

The minutes were approved as a true and accurate record and signed by the Chair.

9.    Proposed Meridian Solar Farm

At the request of a member of the public Councillors agreed to deal with this item after Agenda Item 3: 

The clerk advised the meeting of the correspondence relating to the Scoping Report and Consultation Survey.  It was agreed that these would be displayed on Facebook and GHPC website.


Discussion was held about other solar farms in the area it was felt that there is nothing further we can do at this time.  We await the next stage of the process.

4.   To discuss any issues relating to the Parish Pavilion:

a)   Agree updated policies –the policies had previously been circulated to Councillors and agreed at this meeting.  Cllr N Watson thanked Cllr James for his work on these documents.

It was agreed that an independent fire assessment is not needed.


The kitchen door does not close properly Mr Mitch Vernon agreed to look at it.


A noticeboard is required, clerk will order one.


b)   Request from Gedney Hill CofE Primary School hire of Pavilion and Field – the school had requested to hire the field and Pavilion for a ‘colour run’ in Spring 2025.  After discussion it was agreed that no charge would be made for this, but it would be a treated as a hire and all insurances, risk assessment and hire conditions should be met by the school.  A member of the PC should be present during the event.



c)   Pavilion keys – new keys have been cut, there are now three sets, one to be held by Cllr James, one by the Jubilee Art Group (clerk to get new padlock key to them) the third set by the clerk.


There is only one key for the CCTV cupboard.  Cllr James is to source a second.


One of the florescent tubes in the kitchen is no longer working causing the fuse box to break.  Cllr James has reset the breaker.  It was agreed that he would source a new tube.  GHPC would look to install LED lights next financial year.  



5.   To discuss updating the bus stops 

The bus stop on Highstock Lane has got very overgrown.  The clerk has been in contact with LCC and Open Reach and is waiting for a reply.  Clerk will chase again and copy in Cllr Nigel Pepper.


The bench removed from outside the Memorial Hall requires a new home.  It was suggested it could go on the land by the bus stop on the corner of Mill Lane and Lincoln’s Avenue.  This is LCC land and would require their permission.  Once the bench is refurbished the clerk will look into this.


6.   Public Footpaths 

The footpath from North Road to Mole Drove (PF 4) has a post fitted before the bridge to prevent horse riders using it.  The hedgerow has been cut back.

The footpath from Mole Drove to Sutton St Edmunds (PF 10) at the top end of Mole Drove remains waterlogged and bridge underwater.  Clerk to contact LCC.


The footpath from Mole Drove to Sutton St Edmunds (PF 3) at the lower end of Mole Drove has been ploughed by the farmer.  Clerk to contact LCC.


Mr Vernon asked who has responsibility for the pavement on North Road by the pond.  The gap between the railings and the pond is increasing as the bank of the pond erodes.  Cllr Redgate informed the meeting that the pond should not exist, it is a result of drains being filled in further up North Road.  The land is privately owned but the owners take no responsibility for maintenance and repair.  
7.   Speedwatch group update

The Speedwatch group continues but there are only 2 volunteers so this limits the number of times the sessions can be held.

Fleet Parish Council have asked if they could borrow the equipment to hold Speedwatch sessions on the Fleet part of Mill Lane.  This was agreed.  Clerk to let FPC know and Cllr N Watson to arrange handover of equipment.  It was also agreed that the equipment be checked for lifespan.



8.   Planning

a)   To discuss current planning applications and decisions – there are no current planning applications.

b)   To discuss consultations and concerns – there are no current consultations or concerns.

Since the last meeting:

H07-0311-24 Condition compliance – refused

H07-0324-24 Reserved matters – approved

10.   Minute Book

GHPC minute book is full.  The clerk gave two suggestions for a new book and a decision was made to purchase a book similar to the previous one.


11.   Rock Bus

The parish clerk has been looking at bringing the Rock Bus to Gedney Hill.  It was agreed to bring this to the parish on Monday 26 August.  Tickets will be issued on a first come first served basis with a £5 non-refundable fee.  

12.   Financial Matters

Account status:

£26,188.40 is held by GHPC


06/06/24      EDF Energy            £92.53


22/05/24      Insurance Premium         £1951.33
22/05/24      TA Blackmore            £1059.50
23/05/24      Stationery            £86.19
03/06/24      EDF Energy            £18.10
07/06/24      Defibrillator pads         £149.00
07/06/24      Domain Name Management      £19.80
16/06/24      ID Mobile            £6.00
20/06/24      Staff Wages            £452.84
30/06/24      Bank charges            £18.00

13.   To advise of any items to be added to next meeting agenda:

Update on mains sewerage.

Lights in the Pavilion.

Cemetery trees and CCTV.

14.   Date of next meeting

The next meeting will be held on Monday 16 September 2024 at 6.30pm in the Memorial Hall.

15.    Confidential Item – (public and press to be excluded), to receive from the Chair, the Clerk’s interim appraisal.

The meeting closed at 8.00pm.

Vicki Watson
Parish Clerk
19 July 2024