October 2024 DRAFT Minutes (Extra-ordinary Meeting)


held at the Gedney Hill and District Memorial Hall, Hillgate, PE12 0NN 
on Tuesday 1 October 2024, at 6.30pm

GHPC Councillors: N Watson (Chair), M Shepherd (Vice-Chair), K James, A Watson.

Cllr P Redgate joined on-line.

Clerk: V Watson

Also present: Cllr L Eldridge and 17 members of the public

PUBLIC FORUM (15 minutes)

A member of the public commented that an email sent by the clerk to inform members of the public of the meeting did not include the time of the meeting, though it did in the attachment.  The clerk apologised for the oversight.

1.    Chairmans remarks.
The Chair welcomed everyone to this extraordinary meeting called to accept Terms of Reference for a Play Park Committee.

2.    Apologies for absence and acceptance. 
Cllr Redgate was at the meeting virtually and not able to vote.  His apologies were accepted.

3.    To approve the draft minutes of the meeting held on 16 September 2024.
Draft minutes accepted and signed

4.    Declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 and consideration of any requests for dispensation. 
No declarations of interest.

5.    Resolve to form the Gedney Hill Parish Council Play Park Committee (PPC).
Before a vote was taken, Cllr James asked for confirmation that the Committee would be run by the Parish Council.
It was confirmed that GHPC would be running the committee and the reasons for this were:
GHPC lease the land the proposed play park will go on.
The chances of obtaining funding are better as part of an established organisation.
The members of the public present at this meeting, and the last, show there is plenty of community support for the project which indicates the project would get plenty of backing from parishioners and Councillors would not be working alone.

Vote taken
Cllr N Watson
Cllr M Shepherd
Cllr A Watson
Cllr K James

Unable to Vote
Cllr P Redgate (on-line)

6.    Agree the Terms of Reference for the PPC.
Changes suggested from the floor:
Those who are not resident should be able to join the committee.
The non-councillors who are members of the committee should be able to vote on decisions made by the committee.

Cllr James wanted to ensure the PC has final overriding powers in the event of a decision made by the committee in respect of something being overlooked or contrary to legal or other requirements.  This is covered under the responsibility given to the Committee in the ToRs.

A vote was taken to accept the Terms of Reference with no changes.

Cllr N Watson
Cllr M Shepherd
Cllr A Watson
Cllr K James

Unable to Vote
Cllr P Redgate (on-line)

7.    Agree bank accounts to be opened with Unity Bank, solely for the purpose of the Gedney Hill Parish Council Play Park Committee.

Cllr N Watson
Cllr M Shepherd
Cllr A Watson
Cllr K James

Unable to Vote
Cllr P Redgate (on-line)

8.    Agree to request the money raised by Jack and Jill Play Group to pay for planning permission for the play park be transferred to the new current account when the application is ready for submission.

Cllr N Watson
Cllr M Shepherd
Cllr A Watson
Cllr K James

Unable to Vote
Cllr P Redgate (on-line)

9.    Items to be added to agenda for next meeting.

10.    Agree date for first PPC meeting.
Not able to be agreed at this time.

11.    Date of next GHPC meeting 18 November 2024.

Meeting closed at 7.10pm