September 2024 Minutes


held at Gedney Hill & District Memorial Hall, Hillgate, PE12 0NN
on Monday 16 September 2024 AT 6.30pm

GHPC Councillors: N Watson (Chair), M Shepherd (Vice-Chair), K James, A Watson, P Redgate

Clerk: V Watson 

Also present: Cllr N Pepper, Lincolnshire County Council, twenty-five (25) members of the public 


The issue of dog fouling and dog poo bins was raised.   Cllr N Watson responded, everyone should be picking up after their dogs, there are several bins for general rubbish and dog waste in the village, but if extra bins are required the request should go to LCC.   If the bins are seen not to be emptied please report to SHDC.

A member of the public asked if she could plant wildflowers in the cemetery.  It was agreed to discuss this during item 12.  

1.    Chairmans remarks
The Chairman was pleased to welcome so many people to the meeting.  As most people were at the meeting to discuss agenda item 14, this would be brought forward.

2.    Apologies for absence and acceptance
No absences.

3.    Declarations of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.

14.  A discussion to determine whether sufficient interest and commitment exists amongst parishioners to undertake a project to install a children’s play park.
Cllr N Watson opened the discussion by stating that the Parish Council are strongly behind the idea of putting a play park on the field behind the school on North Road.  However, community support and help would be required to raise funds.  The Parish Council does not have funding to cover the cost.  Cllr Shepherd has agreed to lead a committee and requires members of the community to pledge their support and time.  
A lengthy discussion was then had about costs, access issues, the design, maintenance, risk assessments, insurance, funding, should the committee be independent of or part of the parish council, use of the pavilion, on-going costs, additions to precept and the size of the plot.  
Those interested were asked to give their details – to be held by the Parish Clerk – a meeting at the site would be organised for later in the week.

    15.  A discussion to determine whether sufficient interest and commitment exists amongst parishioners to undertake a project to install a dog park.
A member of the public had asked for this matter to be included on the agenda for this meeting but was not present at the meeting.  There was no other interest in this project.

4.    Approve the draft minutes of the meeting held on 15 July 2024.
The minutes were approved as a true and accurate record and signed by the Chair.

5.    To sign Parish Councillors Declarations for 2024.
The original book was signed.

6.    Clerks report on matters outstanding.
Response to public forum:
a)    Cemetery vandalism, item 12 on the agenda.
b)    Cemetery trees, item 12 on the agenda.
c)    Acoustics – meetings until January are booked at the Memorial Hall.
d)    Litter bins have been emptied, Parish Clerk to keep an eye on the situation and report as necessary.

Proposed Meridian Solar Farm – Scoping Report and Consultation Survey have been put on GHPC website.  Meridian Solar Farm have to action each point raised by the replies to the Scoping Report.  We await the next action.

Pavilion – kitchen door remains sticky, noticeboard installed.
Hire of field and pavilion by the school is on-going.
Padlock key has been passed to the Jubilee Art Group.  Cllr James is to secure a key for the CCTV cupboard.  Cllr James said the florescent tube in the kitchen cannot be fixed.

Bus stop on Highstock Lane the trees and weeds have been cut back. 

Public footpath PF10, LCC have informed the clerk this will be looked at in the Autumn.  Path PF2 has been ploughed up and the clerk will report this.  Path PF 3 has been reinstated.

Speedwatch – loan of equipment to Fleet Parish – no longer required.

A new minute book has been purchased.

The Rock Bus was taken on by the Memorial Hall Committee.

7.    Financial Matters.

Transactions since 15 July 2024:
17/07/24    iD Mobile – Clerk mobile service    £6.00
18/07/24    M Ford – Dec – Jun maintenance    £268.92
18/07/24    Transfer in from instant access account    £1000.00
22/07/24    Staff Salary    £452.84
30/07/24    VW – Expenses Caterers Guide    £29.98
30/07/24    NW – Expenses Keys cut for Pavilion    £24.54
30/07/24    AES    £66.00
30/07/24    Working from home allowance    £30.00
30/07/24    Anglian Water    £18.30
01/08/24    EDF    £19.00
06/08/24    Cloudy IT    £23.76
08/08/24    MJ Pat Testing    £65.00
08/08/24    Time Assured    £162.00
12/08/24    Tumber Electrical    £80.00
16/08/24    iD Mobile    £6.00
20/08/24    Staff Salary    £452.84
20/08/24    Transfer in from instant access account    £1000.00
21/08/24    VW Expenses - Minute book     £155.11
21/08/24    LALC    £150.00
21/08/24    VW Expenses – Notice board    £12.80
02/09/24    EDF    £19.00
05/09/24    Cloudy IT    £23.76

Instant Access saving account (1) - £23162.45
Instant Access saving account (2) - £0.00
Current account – £960.10

Payments due before next meeting 18 November 2024:
    Starboard Systems Ltd (Scribe)    £331.20
    Staff salary and WFH allowance    £905.68
    EDF    £38.00
    Cloudy    £47.52
    iD mobile    £12.00
    Printer Ink    £75.00
    New publications    £184.50
    Clerks training    £12.50

8.    Notification of exempt status.
An email was received on 3 August 2024 from PKF Littlejohn confirming the receipt of documents for the AGAR and notification of exempt status for GHPC.

9.    To discuss any issues relating to the Parish Pavilion.
a)    Electricity Contract
The clerk had received an email stating the electricity contract for the Pavilion is up for renewal in July.  New tariffs will be available in September.  The Clerk asked if we should look at fixing now or wait until closer to the renewal date.  It was agreed to wait until closer to the renewal date.

b)    October Half-Term event
It was suggested GHPC run an event for children in the Pavilion during October half-term.  Hot-dogs and hot chocolate and board games.  The event could raise awareness of the proposed play park.

      10.  Speedwatch Group Update
Cllr Watson reported that 2 new volunteers had been on the training course and 3 people were awaiting training.
1 October is National Speed Awareness Day.  All groups are encouraged to get out in the community on this day.

      11. Planning
   a) To discuss current planning applications and decisions.
H07-0629-24 – no comments from councillors

b)    To discuss consultations and concerns.
Nothing to discuss.

      12. Cemetery matters
a) To consider the formation of a Cemetery Management Committee
The Clerk asked the PC to consider the formation of a smaller sub-committee and co-opt the person who has been dealing with cemetery matters when the Clerk takes on the management of the committee.  

There has been a spate of vandalism in the cemetery over the summer months.  It was suggested that trail cams be installed.

c)    Burials and headstones
An interment of ashes is due to take place on 5 October.

d)    Overhanging trees
The church have applied for permission to cut back the trees.  The Church Wardens will keep GHPC informed and a donation will be made toward the cost.

Wildflowers to be planted in the Cemetery
Cllr James said the area was an unconsecrated part of the graveyard.  The seeding of the area would encourage biodiversity, bees and butterflies.  The groundsman has no problems with it.  As the seeds need to be planted before the next meeting, it was agreed to discuss and research further and Cllr N Watson would inform the parishioner.

        13. Comments on Grimsby to Walpole Scoping Report.
Clerk read the comments made and will publish the letter on the GHPC web page.

16. Items to be added to the next agenda

17. Date of next meeting
Monday 18 November 2024 in the Memorial Hall, at 6.30pm

Meeting closed at 7.37pm.
