March 2019 Minutes

Gedney Hill Parish Council

Minutes of the Gedney Hill Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 18th March 2019 in the Gedney Hill and District Memorial Hall at 6.30pm.


Councillors      P Redgate (Chairman)

                        K James (Vice Chairman)

          D Mann

          J Venters

          I Coles

Also Present

                        Cllr M Seymour

                        4 members of the Public

           Miss D Leedham (Parish Clerk)


Miss D Leedham (Parish Clerk)

Public Forum

A Parishioner informed the Parish Council that a Palestine evening is to be held in the Village Hall later in the month. A poster for the event was passed to the Clerk to be added to Facebook.

A Parishioner advised that a local company they had recently used was very good and recommended them to the Parish Council and the local community.

1. Apologies for absence and acceptance

Winston Brown

Cllr N Pepper

2. Declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 and consideration of any requests for dispensation


3. To approve the draft notes of the meeting held on 21st January 2019

Cllr James raised concerns with terminology used in section 11. Playing field Public Consultation 16/01 report and next steps to describe the group to be set-up from the consultation. The group was originally referred to as a ‘community group’. At the request of Cllr James this was amended to ‘community working party’ and an updated copy was emailed to Councillors 15th March at 1.58pm. After review, draft notes from the meeting held on 21st January 2019 were agreed to represent a true record of the meeting and the Chairman duly signed.

4. Matters arising

a. Cemetery

Please see Clerks report.

b. Grit Bin

Clerk received request for a spade/bucket to aid distribution and advised the request had been forwarded to LCC, clerk awaiting response.

c. Street sweeper

Street sweeper has been requested on SHC-806449 and SHC-807367, Clerk requested sweeper on North Road, Mill Lane, Hillgate into Station Road and Highstock Lane.

5. Police matters

Clerk advised by PCSO Bennet to use information from website. Clerk reported following information for January:

1x Vehicle Crime

6x Violent & Sexual offences

2x Theft other

6x Anti-social behaviour

2x Other crime

2x Criminal damage & arson

2x Public order

Incidents can be reported using and Hare coursing should be reported via 101.

Council requested Clerk to continue to chase for up to date information and to draft letter to the Inspector at Spalding in relation to this matter.

6. Highways matters in relation to;

Council requested Clerk to contact Gedney Hill & District Memorial Hall Committee reference a yellow cable on the grassed area in front of the hall.

Council agreed to complete a ‘walkabout’ for potential Highways concerns. Date to been decided at the meeting in May.

Clerk advised Council the cracks along Station Road have been reported to LCC, ref: 348726.

a. Pride in Gedney Hill

Clerk advised request to join ‘Keep Britain Tidy’s Great Spring Clean-up’ had been accepted for the litter pick on Saturday 23rd March at 10am. Council thanked District Councillor Seymour for the loan of litter picks and related equipment.

Council agreed to hold a Health and Safety briefing for those attending prior to starting the litter pick and advise Clerk of number of litter bags to be collected.

b. The ditch along North Road

Chairman to forward Clerk the photos. Clerk to forward to owner and LCC Highways and Richard Davies.

Clerk advised a request for an additional litter bin had been submitted to SHDC under SHC-806461.

8. Planning

The South East Lincolnshire Plan adopted on 8th March.

a. The following applications were approved:

West Drove South (approved under appeal) – residential development (H07-0037-18)

Land South of Highstock Lane – residential developments, 2 plots (H07-1205-18)

Mill Lane – residential development (H07-0179-18)

Teremok, Station Road – proposed agricultural storage building (H07-0072-19)

b. The following applications were withdrawn:

Teremok, Station Road – Mobile home for residential use (H07-0273-18)

c. The following applications remain undecided:

Rear of 17 Station Road – Residential development (H07-0066-19)

Land adjacent Half Acre, West Drove North – Residential development (H07-0023-19)

7. Planning applications not requiring Parish Council comments:

Condition compliance

West Drove South – Details of scheme to dispose of foul and surface water and scheme for construction of footway along site frontage (Conditions 5 and 6 of H07-0821-16 - approved on appeal) (H07-0204-19)

West Drove South - Details of disposal of foul and surface water and scheme for construction of footway along site frontage (Conditions 5 and 6 of H07-0821-16 - allowed on appeal) (H07-0212-19)

West Drove South - Details of Archaeological Watching Brief (Condition 7 of H07-0821-16) allowed on Appeal (H07-0272-19)

Sec 73 Modification

Land off Highstock Lane - Residential development (up to 6 dwellings) - approved under H07-0945-17. Variation of Condition 4 to remove the gross floor area restriction (H07-0285-19)

Land South of Highstock Lane, Gedney Hill Spalding - Outline planning application for residential development - approved under H07-0059-18. Variation of Condition 4 to remove the gross floor area restriction (H07-0284-19)

8. To adopt the;

a. Financial Regulations

Moved to meeting on 20th May.

b. Code of Conduct

After review, the Code of Conduct was adopted by Council and duly dated by the Chairman.

c. Publication Scheme under the FOI Act 2000

After review, the Publication Scheme under the FOI Act 2000 was adopted by Council and duly dated by the Chairman.

9. Community Speedwatch;

a. Update on equipment purchases

Clerk updated Council on purchases and hoped to receive all equipment by the end of the week. Clerk advised Council that insurance would quote for additional costs once equipment was purchased.

Council agreed CSW locations as Mill Lane, North Road, Station Road and Highstock Lane. Clerk to advise LCC. 

Clerk advised Council the ‘Check your Speed’ signs were available from LCC and charged at £10 per sign. Council resolved to purchase the required number of signs as agreed with the handyman. Clerk to confirm with handyman and raise cheque in accordance with invoice.

b. Adoption of;

Procedure for use

Equipment signing in/out log

Clerk advised Council the above documents would be completed once purchases had been received and LCC guidance notes read.

Update on next training dates

Chairman advised the next training date is 25th March, 6pm at the Castle Sports Complex, Spalding.

10. Update on next steps from the Public Consultation on the use of the Playing Field

The Chairman and Clerk advised the Community Working Group were in the process of being set-up and a Facebook group name Gedney Hill Community Group Playing Field was available. Clerk advised that the survey could go ahead prior to the setting up of the community working group. Council agreed to revisit the Survey at the next meeting on 20th May 2019. Council set deadline of September 2019 for Community Working Group to be up and running.

11. Update on the next Newsletter

The Chairman advised he is aiming for the next Newsletter to be released within the next few weeks. Clerk to forward CSW poster to Chairman.

12. Discussion regarding the Clock in relation to;

a. repairs

Cllr Coles advised the Clock was now repaired.

b. valuation

Clerk advised her and Cllr Coles were in discussion to arrange valuations.

13. Clerks report

The Clerk advised Council of the following

T.A. Blackamore invoice had been received, totalling £1128 and quarterly invoices had been requested. Council resolved to accept the quote.

Key holders list had been drafted and would be emailed to all Councillors to notify Clerk of any amendments.

LALC annual subscription was due, invoice total £229.32, Council resolved to pay annual subscription.

LALC ATS request had been received, total £108, Council resolved NOT to pay.

Request for larger bin near McColl’s, SHC-806461.

Anglian Water Survey has been circulated; Council urged all to complete.

Elections are on May 2nd 2019. Clerks advised Council that all had received an email with further details and links to relevant documents with the exception of Cllr Mann who had received the information prior to the meeting starting. Council advised that Cllr James had already circulated the information. Clerk advised that the Notice of Election needed to be publicly displayed, Council agreed to display notice in Parish Council notice board.

VAT126 was due for completion shortly.

Annual Governance and Accountability Return was due to be prepared for approval at the meeting May. Council discussed the requirements of an internal auditor. Clerk informed Council that as per The Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 and The Transparency Code the internal auditor does not need to be a qualified auditor but must be considered competent and free from the financial decisions of the council. Council resolved to continue to use the current internal auditor.

The current EON tariff for the Sports Pavilion was due to end shortly. Council agreed for clerk to attain additional quotes for renewal and advise Council of any charges in addition to the current tariff.

Clerk also noted that the Insurance was due for renewal 1st June. Clerk to arrange quotes for the meeting in May.

Hall Hire invoice had been received and discrepancies had been sent back to the Hall committee. Clerk to email Council with amended invoice once received.

New printer cartridges were required, after discussion, Council resolved for Clerk to purchase cartridges from

14. Financial matters


The balances for accounts up to 18th March 2019 are as follows:


Current Account:                          £4403.92

Business Reserve Account:         £1519.61


Current Account:                          £4464.70

Business Reserve Account:         £730.65

Total Cash                                   £11,118.88


Monies Out

Clerks Wages                               £322.36

Clerk Wages                                £576.00

(Transparency Code Funding for additional hours)

Handy Man Wages                       £46.98

Clerk Expenses                            £545.36

(Transparency Code Funding for IT equipment)

ICO Renewal                                £40.00

GHPC Total Out                          £1530.70

NB. £1121.36 funded by Transparency Code Funding.

Monies In

Interest                                          £0.52

GHPC Total In                             £0.52


Monies Out

Circlefire (CCTV retrieval)                        £66.00

EON                                              £84.16

T.A. Blackamore                           £1128.00

GHSP Total Out                          £1278.16

Monies in                                    

Interest                                          £0.30

GHSP Total In                             £0.30

Clerk to notify Council of EON bill dates and totals.

15. To advise of any items to be added to the next meeting agenda

Concerns were raised reference water from a Fishing pond off North Road going into an adjacent ditch. Clerk to notify the internal drainage board and report to Council at next meeting.

16. Date of next meeting

Monday 20th May at 6.30pm – Annual Parish Meeting and Annual Parish Council Meeting.


Meeting closed at 7.45pm.