January 2019 Minutes
Gedney Hill Parish Council
Minutes of the Gedney Hill Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 21st January 2019 in the Gedney Hill and District Memorial Hall at 18.30 hours
Councillors P Redgate (Chairman)
K James (Vice Chairman)
D Mann
J Venters
I Coles
Also Present
Cllr M Seymour
Cllr N Pepper
4 members of the Public
Miss D Leedham (Parish Clerk)
Miss D Leedham (Parish Clerk)
Public Forum – strictly 15 minutes
There were no issues raised by the public during this part of the meeting.
1. Apologies for absence and acceptance
Winston Brown
PCSO Fylippa Bennett
2. Declarations of interest and consideration of any requests for dispensation
3. Approval of minutes from meetings held on
17th September 2018
Draft notes from the meeting held on 17th September 2018 were agreed to represent a true record of the meeting and the Chairman duly signed.
19th November 2018
Draft notes from the meeting held on 19th November 2018 were agreed to represent a true record of the meeting and the Chairman duly signed.
4. Police update
Prior to the meeting PCSO Tracy Mason advised the following:
Please do not be alarmed by the number of Anti-Social Behaviour incidents that have been reported, they are all at one location and Police and local Neighbour Hood Policing are very much involved.
5. Highways
a. Pride in Gedney Hill update
The Clerk advised she was awaiting response. Clerk to contact for update.
b. Ditch along North Road update
Clerk advised that the ditch had been added to the list for ‘Pride in Gedney Hill’ and photos were required to advise owner/LCC Highways of concerns with brick wall. Chairman to arrange photos.
c. Grit bin update
Cllrs James and Venters advised the bin was in place and filled. All agreed that the responsibility to apply grit would be with the individual and not the Parish Council. All agreed that the Clerk would make arrangements to refill.
6. Planning applications and status
The Chairman read through the following:
The following applications were appealed:
H07-0037-18 – West Drove South – Residential development
The following applications were approved:
H07-1178-18 – Highstock Lane – Erection of 9 dwellings with associated access.
H07-1177-18 – The Barn West Drove North – Proposed barn conversion into residential.
H07-1136-18 – West Drove South – Erection of detached dwelling.
H07-0880-18 – West Drove South – Erection of detached house.
The following applications remain undecided:
H07-1205-18 – Land South of Highstock Lane – Residential development – two plots.
H07-0273-18 – Teremok, Station Road – Mobile home for residential use.
H07-0179-18 – Mill Lane – residential development
The following applications require comments:
H07-0066-19 – Rear of 17 Station Road – Residential development. The Clerk is awaiting an email from SHDC with timescales and will forward to Cllrs once received.
H07-0023-19 – Half Acre West Drove North – Proposed residential development. Cllrs to advise Clerk by no later than Friday 1st February.
7. Community Speed Watch
a. Update and advertising
The Chairman advised the next training date Monday 28th January 6pm, Castle Sports Complex and the Clerk had emailed all interested parties. A notice had been placed on the noticeboard and Facebook posts are scheduled.
b. Signing up to the scheme
The Chairman noted that the Parish Council were already signed up to the scheme. The Clerk advised she is awaiting a response from the insurance company reference cover for Third Party Liability cover. The Clerk also noted that locations to carry out the CSW required confirmation and would need to be assessed by CSW Coordinator. Clerk to update Cllrs with insurance cover information. Cllrs to advise Clerk of locations.
c. Equipment
The Clerk advised the following equipment costs; Community Speed watch Hand Held Radar: £229.00, Hi Vis Long Sleeve Executive (Zip Fastening) with relevant logos: £11.61 each, Complete F1 Sign Kit: £68.20, Click Counter: £20. Total cost: £328.81. All agreed to purchase equipment and the procedure for taking out the equipment to be written. The procedure to include 24hr notice for removal and a signing in/out log. Clerk to purchase equipment and write procedure for approval at the next meeting.
Cllr Mann noted advice given at the training suggested CSW volunteers from the Parish would complete CSW in the neighbouring Parish and vice-versa. All agreed to reassess once the scheme is up and running.
8. Street lighting
The Chairman advised a request had been received from McColl’s for street lighting heading south along Station Road. The Clerk had contacted both LCC and SHDC. Responsibility would be with the Parish Council which is not in a position to add additional lighting at present.
9. Defibrillator
a. Checklist/rota update
All agreed the checklist and rota are working well and would review again in May.
10.0 Playing field Public Consultation 16/01 report and next steps
The Chairman summarised the below the Public Consultation advising that from the information obtained from the meeting and the communication to the Clerk, the first choice would be play equipment for 2-12 years, second choice would be equipment for 13+ years including gym equipment, third choice would be floodlighting. Next steps are the Parish Council to speak with GHEC to look into the feasibility of increasing the available space. Parishioners are to look into creating a community working party to action and implement the project and the Clerk is to keep Parishioners updated with Parish Councils decisions through social media and email. Furthermore the Chairman advised that the Parish Council’s obligation is to the Parish as a whole and a survey would be required to gain overall interest. The Chairman also noted that he is awaiting a response from GHEC as to extending the allotted area and from the above mentioned group.
11. Parish newsletter
a. Feedback
The Chairman advised the latest edition of the Parish Newsletter was available just before Christmas and feedback had been positive. Cllr James raised concerns regarding availability in the shop, Chairman to look into.
b. Set release dates and ideas for content
All agreed for the next edition to be released at the end of March, the Chairman would look into the possibility of a piece by the Vicar.
12. Events
a. Councillors Surgery 19/01 report and set the date for the next surgery
The Councillors Surgery was rearranged for Saturday 26th January. Report to be made at the next meeting. Clerk to make arrangements.
b. Litter Picking set dates for 2019
All agreed to the next Litter Picking taking place on Saturday March 23rd 10am to 12noon.
c. Cemetery Clear-up set dates for 2019
All agreed to Cemetery Clear-up taking place on Saturday 6th April 10am onwards. Clerk to make arrangements.
13. Clock Repairs update
Cllr Coles advised the Clock was partially repaired and was now working but not striking and would look into further. Concerns were raised regarding valuation. Clerk to chase valuation.
14. Cemetery update on letter sent
Concerns with all burial plots not meeting the requirements of the rules and regulations has now been resolved.
Concerns were raised regarding hedge cutting. Clerk to chase, and advise Cllrs, of the invoice for the year and make enquiries in relation to number of hedge cuts per year.
15. Clerks report
The Clerk advised the following:
The IT equipment has arrived and should be set-up in the next week. Final purchase prices were as follows; Laptop: £319.00, Anti-virus: £27.99, Printer: £69.98, Microsoft Office: £128.39, Total Spend: £545.36.
The Circle Fire invoice for £66.00 was still outstanding and the software disc had now been received by the Clerk. All agreed for Clerk to arrange the payment.
SHDC are holding a Clerks training on the Elections which is being held on 7th February. Clerk to advise Cllrs after training.
Payment to ICO for the annual fee of £40.00 was due. All agreed for Clerk to arrange the payment.
The GHCG Carboot sale is currently on hold.
16. Financial update
Business Reserve Account: £730.42
Handy Man Wages £237.72
Clock Winding £100.00
LALC News £5.00
Mower Servicing £110.09
Interest £0.57
Anglian Water £12.10
Monies in
Interest £0.12
The balances for accounts up to 21st January 2019 are as follows:
Current Account: £6689.43
Business Reserve Account: £1519.12
Current Account: £5742.86
Total Cash £14681.83
Monies Out
Clerks Wages £644.72
GHPC Total Out £1097.53
Monies In
GHPC Total In £0.57
Monies Out
GHSP Total Out £12.10
GHSP Total In £0.12
17. Precept
All agreed to the Precept proposal of £6000.
18. AOB
The Chairman had earlier raised concerns with a Campervan along Hillgate. The Chairman advised the Campervan had previously been located in a neighbouring Parish for several months. The Clerk had been in contact with the Police and SHDC in relation and would keep Cllrs updated. Cllr Coles advised that the Campervan may have broken down and would notify updates if received.
All agreed in addition to the ‘Pride in Gedney Hill’ initiative the Clerk would request a street cleaner.
Meeting closed at 19.15.
19. Date of next meeting
Monday 18th March 2019 to be held in the Gedney Hill and District Memorial Hall at 18.30, unless otherwise stated on the agenda.
Draft notes are made Public prior to acceptance and approval by members of the Parish Council.