January 2019 Agenda
The Gedney Hill Parish Council meeting will take place at Gedney Hill and District Memorial Hall on Monday 21st January 2019 at 18.30hrs.
The Agenda is as follows:
1. Public Forum – strictly 15 minutes
2. Apologies for absence and acceptance
3. Declarations of interest and consideration of any requests for dispensation
4. Approval of minutes from meetings held on
a. 17th September 2018
b. 19th November 2018
5. Police update
6. Highways
a. Pride in Gedney Hill update
b. Ditch along North Road update
c. Grit bin update
7. Planning applications and status
8. Community Speed Watch
a. Update and advertising
b. Signing up to the scheme
c. Equipment
9. Street lighting
10. Defibrillator
a. Checklist/Rota update
11. Playing field Public Consultation 16/01 report and next steps
12. Parish newsletter
a. Feedback
b. Set release dates and ideas for content
13. Events
a. Councillors Surgery 19/01 report and set the date for the next surgery
b. Litter Picking set dates for 2019
c. Cemetery Clear-up set dates for 2019
14. Clock Repairs update
15. Cemetery update on letter sent
16. Clerks report
17. Financial update
18. Precept
Only subjects on this agenda will be discussed, if other subjects are to be included the Chairman or Clerk must be notified at least 72 hours prior to the meeting.
Members of the public wishing to speak on any matters on the agenda, other than during the public forum, must ask permission.
Miss D Leedham – Clerk
01945 700417