November 2019 Agenda

The Gedney Hill Parish Council Meeting will take place at Gedney Hill and District Memorial Hall on Monday 18th November 2019 at 6.30pm.

You are hereby requested to attend the Parish Council Meeting of the above Council on 18th November 2019 at 6.30pm. Your attendance is also required for the 15 minute Public Forum, this will take place at the start of the meeting and is open for the Public to ask questions or make statements.

Dominique Leedham

Clerk to Gedney Hill Parish Council

Public Forum (15 minutes)

The Agenda is as follows:

1. To Elect a Chairman

2. Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance

3. Apologies for absence and acceptance

4. Declarations of interests under the Localism Act 2011 and consideration of any requests for dispensation

5. To approve the draft notes of the meeting held on 16th September 2019

6. Matters arising

a. Review the following

Documents, Policies and Procedures

Risk Assessment

Cemetery Rules & Regulations

Council representation on external bodies

To confirm Councillor Mann’s representation of the Council on the Gedney United Charities

Key holders list

.Asset register

To update on concerns received relating to overgrown land on Highstock Lane and Hillgate

b. Clock

To update on valuations

To review the Clock service sheet

7. Police matters

8. Highways matters

a. To update on the requested additional Pride Team visit

b. To update on litter bin Hillgate

c. To update on request 357629 to move the road markings outside the school to better reflect the current school entrance

d. To update on request on request 357615, kerbstones outside McColl’s, Hillgate (re-request of 353544)

9. Planning

a. To discuss current planning applications

b. To discuss concerns raised with a building on Hillgate

10. To receive an update on Community Speed Watch (CSW) activity report including participation in project EDWARD

11. Sports Pavilion and Playing Field

a. To update removal of the mound/slide

b. To update on next steps from Public Consultation

c. To confirm Fire Extinguishers service

d. To discuss Sports Pavilion sinking Fund

e. To discuss Parishioners request for benches to be added to the playing, discussion to include the use of metal or concrete

12. To discuss GHCG’s request for permission to install flower boxes at the 3 entrance signs to the village

13. To confirm defibrillator cabinet maintenance schedule

14. To approve the following meeting dates for 2020:

20th January 2020

16th March 2020

18th May 2020 – Annual Parish Meeting followed by the Annual Parish Council Meeting

20th July 2020

21st September 2020

16th November 2020

15. Clerks report

a. To update on SHDC training

b. To update on CiLCA training

c. To update on LCR newsletter

16. Financial matters

a. Account balances

b. Monies in

c. Accounts for payment

17. To advise of any items to be added to the next meeting agenda

18. Date of next meeting


Only subjects on this agenda will be discussed, if other subjects are to be included the Chairman or Clerk must be notified at least 72 hours prior to the meeting.

Members of the public wishing to speak on any matters on the agenda, other than during the public forum, must ask permission.