May 2023 Agenda Annual Parish Council Meeting


Gedney Hill Parish Council

Kim Sharp                                                                                                  0789 6062262

Clerk to Gedney Hill Parish Council                               

13 Plover Road





The Gedney Hill Parish Council Meeting will take place in the

Memorial Hall on Monday 15th May 2023, following the Annual Meeting held at 6:30.

You are hereby requested to attend the Parish Council Meeting of the above Council on 15th May 2023, 6.30pm. Your attendance is also required for the 15 minute Public Forum, this will take place at the start of the meeting and is open for the Public to ask questions or make statements.

Kim Sharp

Clerk to Gedney Hill Parish Council


Public Forum (15 minutes)


The Agenda is as follows:

  1. Apologies for absence and acceptance
  2. Election of Officers
  3. Declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 and consideration of any requests for dispensation
  4. To approve the draft notes of the meeting held on 20th March, 2023
  5. Recruitment of Replacement Clerk
  6. Temporary Clerking Arrangements – after 28 May, 2023
  7. New Parish Council Email Address
  8. Village News Letter
  9. Bank Signatories
  10. Parish Representatives on Various Groups
  11. Speed Watch
  12. Councillor ‘Surgery’
  13. Defibrillator Maintenance & Provision
  14. Training Courses For Councillors
  15. Grass Cutting Costs
  16. Old Clerk’s Computer
  17. Planning
    1. To discuss current planning applications
    2. To discuss consultations and concerns
  18. Clerk’s Report
  19. Financial Matters
    1. To update on accounts – end of year
    2. To update on accounts – to date
  20. To advise of any items to be added to the next meeting agenda
  21. Meeting Dates for 2023/24


Members of the public wishing to speak on any matters on the agenda, other than during the public forum, must ask permission from the Chairman.