January 2020 Agenda
The Gedney Hill Parish Council Meeting will take place at Gedney Hill and District Memorial Hall on Monday 20th January at 6.30pm.
You are hereby requested to attend the Parish Council Meeting of the above Council on 20th January 2020 at 6.30pm. Your attendance is also required for the 15 minute Public Forum, this will take place at the start of the meeting and is open for the Public to ask questions or make statements.
Dominique Leedham
Clerk to Gedney Hill Parish Council
Public Forum (15 minutes)
The Agenda is as follows:
1. Apologies for absence and acceptance
2. Declarations of interests under the Localism Act 2011 and consideration of any requests for dispensation
3. To approve the draft notes of the meeting held on 18th November 2019
4. Matters arising
a. Review the following
Documents, Policies and Procedures
To approve the latest version of the Risk Assessment
5. Police matters
6. Highways matters
a. To update on the requested additional Pride Team visit
b. To update on litter bin Hillgate
c. To update on request 357629 to move the road markings outside the school to better reflect the current school entrance
d. To update on resubmitted request 353544
e. To discuss concerns with ‘cats eyes’ on Lincoln Avenue
f. To discuss email from Senior Highway Officer reference retread work on West Drove North
g. To discuss a proposed meeting with Senior Highway Officer
7. Planning
a. To discuss current planning applications
8. To receive a report on Community Speed Watch (CSW) activity
9. To update on Litter Pick and advise next date
10. To discuss and resolve on 2020-2021 Budget and Precept proposals
11. Internal Auditor
a. To discuss and resolve on Internal Auditor checklist
b. To appoint an Internal Auditor
12. Clerks report
a. To update on ILCA training
13. Financial matters
a. Account balances
b. Monies in
c. Accounts for payment
d. To discuss payment method for ICO payment
e. To update on bank signatories mandate amendments
14. To advise of any items to be added to the next meeting agenda
15. To confirm the date of the next meeting
Members of the public wishing to speak on any matters on the agenda, other than during the public forum, must ask permission from the Chairman.