November 2020 Minutes
Gedney Hill Parish Council
Minutes of the Gedney Hill Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 16th November 2020 via Zoom.
Councillors P Redgate (Chairman)
K James
D Mann
J Venters
Also present Cllr N Pepper
2 member of the Public
Miss D Leedham (Parish Clerk)
Miss D Leedham (Parish Clerk)
Chairman’s welcome
The Chairman welcomed all to the Gedney Hill Parish Council meeting.
Public Forum
A resident raised concerns with overgrown vegetation on building plots along Highstock Lane.
1. Apologies for absence and acceptance
Cllr I Coles
2. Declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 and consideration of any requests for dispensation
3. To approve the draft notes of the meeting held on 16th March 2020
Council agreed the notes represented a true record of the meeting, the Chairman duly signed.
4. Covid-19 Parish Council response
a. To receive report from Cllr Redgate and Parish Clerk
The Chairman asked all to be vigilant and follow all government guidance. The Chairman noted new letters and red and green cards had been distributed, we have released the first of a series of quizzes which has been well received. The Chairman reiterated that we continue to prioritise food and medical supplies to those in need.
Cllr Venters joined the meeting.
5. Police report
No reports had been received from the Police. The Chairman noted the number of scam emails and phone calls and advised these can be reported via 101. Hare Coursing was also raised as two incidents had been reported recently, the Clerk advised that if a crime is occurring it must be reported through 999 and all others through 101.
6. Highways
The Chairman noted the Council had received a number of concerns regarding the Speed limits along North Road and Highstock Lane. The Chairman advised a letter had been drafted to LCC Highways regarding the speed limit on North Road, the first part to reduce the Speed to 30mph to West Drove North and reduce the limit in front of the school to an advisory 20mph. Regarding Highstock Lane the Chairman advised the meeting that Highstock Lane should possibly have been a 30mph as per the rest of the main village area and especially now given the building works. The Chairman advised the third part of the letter related to the repairs required to the road surface which were reported to LCC Highways in the summer. Concerns were raised with the enforcement of the speed limit, Cllr Pepper mentioned that the speed limit policy would need to be met.
The Chairman advised that prior to the meeting, members of the public have raised concerns with the mud on the road, and Cllr Pepper noted he was aware of the concerns. Cllr Venters advised the mud had been cleared on the occasions he had seen.
a. To discuss current planning applications
Cllr Redgate read through the following:
H07-0308-20 |
Two storey rear extension forming indoor swimming pool with games room/gymnasium above. |
Approved |
H07-0324-20 |
Erection of detatched dwelling (Plot 2) - Outline approval H07-0059-18 |
Approved |
H07-0347-20 |
Replacement dwelling - approved under H07-0948-15. Modification of Condition 11 to allow cream woodgrain upvc windows/doors in lieu of timber |
Approved |
H07-0365-20 |
Details of drainage system (Condition 3 of H07-0015-20) |
Approved |
H07-0476-20 |
Proposed Vehicular Access |
Approved |
H07-0483-20 |
Details of archaeological monitoring report (Condition 5 of H07-0249-20) |
Approved |
H07-0482-20 |
Details of archaeological monitoring report (Condition 8 of H07-0622-17) |
Approved |
H07-0491-20 |
Details of external materials (Condition 3 of H07-0281-20) |
Approved |
H07-0497-20 |
Proposed extension to golf clubhouse facility |
Approved |
H07-0567-20 |
Details relating to archaeological monitoring and recording report (Condition 6 of H07-0281-20) |
Approved |
H07-0571-20 |
Details relating to contamination (Condition 4 of H07-0244-20) |
Approved |
H07-0642-20 |
Erection of 3 bed bungalow with detached garage, access, parking and landscaping |
Approved |
H07-0648-20 |
Conversion of existing garage into habitable space and proposed rear extension |
Approved |
H07-0663-20 |
Extension and alterations (dwelling approved under H07-0249-20 - not yet completed) |
Approved |
H07-0709-20 |
Residential Development |
Refusal |
H07-0723-20 |
Use of site for the keeping of more than 6 dogs (retrospective) - approved under H07-0765-19. Removal of Condition 2 to allow permanent use. |
Approved |
H07-0738-20 |
Proposed render to include part of front (garage extension), side and rear elevations. |
Undecided |
H07-0787-20 |
Proposed detached bungalow with attached double garage, means of access, landscaping and boundary treatment |
Approved |
H07-0786-20 |
Proposed detached bungalow with detached double garage, means of access, landscaping and boundary treatment |
Approved |
H07-0785-20 |
Proposed detached bungalow with detached double garage, means of access, landscaping and boundary treatment |
Approved |
H07-0815-20 |
Erection of two storey dwelling - retrospective |
Undecided |
H07-0836-20 |
Retention of dwelling without complying with agricultural habitation clause - Condition 2 of EE390-71 |
Undecided |
H07-0850-20 |
Works to Gedney Hill Tree Preservation Order No 1 1984 |
Undecided |
H07-0956-20 |
Siting of 2 stables and hardstanding (retrospective) |
Undecided |
H07-0979-20 |
Erection of dwelling, garage/car port and temporary siting of caravan - outline approval H07-0960-19 |
Undecided |
A resident raised concerns with H07-0815-20 including block plan, drainage and retrospective application. The Chairman confirmed the Council had received an email detailing their concerns and would review and forward the Clerk their comments to be submitted to SHDC post meeting.
A resident raised concerns with the state of The Red Lion, the Chairman advised it is not a planning issue as it is a listed building and providing it is kept in order this is not something the Council are able to raise.
8. Community Speed Watch
a. To receive the CSW report
The CSW co-ordinator advised that 19% of vehicles reported with speeds in excess of 60mph being recorded. The Chairman thanked the CSW team for all their hard work and he looks forward to attending in the near future, after discussion the Council and CSW co-ordinator agreed to the CSW co-ordinator liaising with the Police directly regarding Speedwatchs, the Clerk to be cc’d.
Concerns with the traffic lights on the junction of Highstock Lane, Hillgate and Station Road, the Clerk advised the lights were due to be removed tomorrow.
Cllr James enquired why information was not being taken out of the speed detection signs, the Clerk advised at handover she was informed it was to be carried out when the Council requested. The Council agreed to discuss away from the meeting.
9. Sports Pavilion/Playing Field
a. To update on grant application
Cllr James advised the Council had been awarded the funding at the recent Wryde Croft Windfarm meeting. All agreed to quote 3 for the building work which included the installation of the disabled toilet free of charge and the roller shutter door. Cllr James noted he had contacted the company who supplied the quote for the roller shutter door and requested a discount but had not yet received a response. Council agreed for Cllr James to make the decision on this.
The Council thanked Wryde Croft Windfarm Grant for the funding to allow the Pavilion to be updated to better reflect the changing needs of the community.
10. Clerks report
The Clerk advised the main focus area of work was the COVID-19 response and all other items are on the agenda.
11. Financial matters
a. To update on accounts
Account balances (account balances as of 20th October)
Current account |
£12570.72 |
Business reserve |
£1523.45 |
Current account |
£2744.84 |
Business reserve |
£732.51 |
Monies in
Interest 30.06.20, 31.07.20, 28.08.20, 30.09.20 (business reserve) |
£0.04 |
Cemetery |
£760.00 |
£2276.07 |
Payment for supplies (Covid-19) |
£605.44 |
Interest (business reserve) |
£0.04 |
Accounts for payment
Payee |
Chq No. |
Gross |
Nett |
DF11 Charging |
1073 |
£30.00 |
D Leedham |
1071 1074 1079 |
£967.08 |
Handyman |
1072 1075 1080 |
£178.76 |
P Redgate (expenses) |
1076 1077 |
£331.40 |
Internal Audit |
1081 |
£80.00 |
CCTV Installation |
1078 |
£972.00 |
Payee |
Chq No. |
Gross |
Nett |
Anglian Water |
97 |
£13.34 |
Land Rent |
98 |
£273.50 |
Eon |
99 |
£60.91 |
£2.90 |
£58.01 |
Dyke Cutting |
100 |
£75.00 |
Cllr James enquired if the EON charge was for a month or a quarter, the Clerk confirmed it was for a quarter. Cllr James further enquired why it was so high, the Clerk advised Council that there is a daily standing charge which is applied. The Chairman raised the issue regarding payment of the Electricity and other bills by direct debit advising Council the best rates were not being achieved as, Cllr James noted the Financial Regulations would need reviewing to reflect this. Council agreed to meet and discuss in more detail the Financial Regulations. The Clerk noted that none of the suppliers she had contacted would agree to a new customer starting with cheques as a payment method.
b. To discuss online banking
Council agreed to discuss as above.
Cllr James enquired whether the top balances included the cheques listed, the Clerk advised the figures would not include any cheques that had not been drawn as she only has access to the bank statements. The Council agreed to discuss online access for the Clerk at the next meeting.
c. To discuss budget and Precept setting
Council agreed to set at the meeting in January.
12. To advise of any items to be added to the next meeting agenda
The Chairman wished all the residents a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and asked all to continue to follow Government Guidance.
13. Date of next meeting
The next Parish Council meeting is on Monday 18th January, 7pm via Zoom.